c++ Programming Glossary: ccomqiptr
C++ auto_ptr for arrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1044785/c-auto-ptr-for-arrays in order to receive the data I am looking for. For example CComQIPtr IWMMediaProps pProps m_pStreamConfig DWORD cbType 0 WM_MEDIA_TYPE..
Why would QueryInterface() fail when the interface is surely implemented and has built-in marshaller in Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16590106/why-would-queryinterface-fail-when-the-interface-is-surely-implemented-and-has IUnknown param if param 0 return E_INVALIDARG ATL CComQIPtr IStream stream param if stream 0 return E_INVALIDARG control..
basic playback with programmatically created windows media player http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1935964/basic-playback-with-programmatically-created-windows-media-player __uuidof WindowsMediaPlayer 0 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER CComQIPtr IWMPCore3 core player CComPtr IWMPControls controls core get_controls..
How to get a IHTMLElement pointer to the <object> tag hosting an activex control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4103315/how-to-get-a-ihtmlelement-pointer-to-the-object-tag-hosting-an-activex-control after SetClientSite is called you can do the following CComQIPtr IOleControlSite site m_spClientSite CComPtr IDispatch dispatch.. IDispatch dispatch site GetExtendedControl dispatch CComQIPtr IHTMLElement2 htmlElement dispatch Hope this saves someone some..
IE9 fails to fire onscroll event on HTMLWindow2 in BHO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9539410/ie9-fails-to-fire-onscroll-event-on-htmlwindow2-in-bho Then Advise it to the window object in Document Complete CComQIPtr IHTMLDocument2 spHTMLDoc spDispDoc CComQIPtr IHTMLWindow2 spTempWindow2.. Complete CComQIPtr IHTMLDocument2 spHTMLDoc spDispDoc CComQIPtr IHTMLWindow2 spTempWindow2 spHTMLDoc get_parentWindow spTempWindow2..