

c++ Programming Glossary: ccombstr

How do you handle strings in C++?


s Or wchar_t CString std basic_string std string BSTR or CComBSTR Certainly each of these has its own area of application but.. wchar__t is the same thing just bigger. CString BSTR and CComBSTR are not standard and not portable. Avoid them unless absolutely..

How do I call eval() in IE from C++?


IE11 Preview CComVariant result m_htmlWindow execScript CComBSTR L confirm 'See this too ' CComBSTR L JavaScript result result.ChangeType.. m_htmlWindow execScript CComBSTR L confirm 'See this too ' CComBSTR L JavaScript result result.ChangeType VT_BSTR MessageBoxW V_BSTR.. dispexWindow DISPID dispidEval 1 dispexWindow GetDispID CComBSTR eval fdexNameCaseSensitive dispidEval dispWindow.Invoke1 dispidEval..

basic playback with programmatically created windows media player


IWMPPlaylist playlist core get_currentPlaylist playlist CComBSTR path c bar.mp3 alternatively http foo bar.mp3 The first approach..

BSTR to std::string (std::wstring) and vice versa


of BSTR data type. Someone can use BSTR wrapper like CComBSTR or MS's CString . But because I can't use ATL or MFC in MinGW.. Are there also some non MS wrappers for BSTR similar to CComBSTR Update Thanks to everyone who helped me out in any way Just..