c++ Programming Glossary: cfiledialog
Why CFileDialog::GetNextPathName doesn't work when the file path is long? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14903496/why-cfiledialoggetnextpathname-doesnt-work-when-the-file-path-is-long CFileDialog GetNextPathName doesn't work when the file path is long Using.. doesn't work when the file path is long Using CFileDialog class I select multiple files placed in a directory with a long.. behavior. Look at dlgfile.cpp for the implementation of CFileDialog CFileDialog and you will see m_ofn.lpstrFile and m_ofn.nMaxFile..
How to allow 32 bit apps on 64 bit windows to execute 64 bit apps provided in Windows\System32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509989/how-to-allow-32-bit-apps-on-64-bit-windows-to-execute-64-bit-apps-provided-in-wi which displayed a Windows OpenFile dialog say using MFC CFileDialog showing nativly for XP Vista and allowing the viewing of 64..
CDocument::SetPathName behaves differently in WinXp and Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6151563/cdocumentsetpathname-behaves-differently-in-winxp-and-windows-7 the current directory is obtained. It is documented how CFileDialog selects a different initial directory on different OS check..