c++ Programming Glossary: cert
SSL Certificate, not authenticating via thrift, but OK via browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10964755/ssl-certificate-not-authenticating-via-thrift-but-ok-via-browser thrift but OK via browser This is how I generate my SSL cert key etc openssl genrsa out server.key 1024 openssl rsa in server.key.. that i'm going to get viruses first. openssl s_server cert server.crt www key new_key.pem this is a snippet from the server... in the client then i get an SSL unverified certificate exception. With that line left in i get an auth failure..
Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1231178/load-an-x509-pem-file-into-windows-cryptoapi HCRYPTPROV hProv 0 HCRYPTKEY hKey 0 Read the public key cert from the file hFile CreateFileA c pub.pem GENERIC_READ 0 NULL..
send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4211484/send-rsa-public-key-to-iphone-and-use-it-to-encrypt enough and using the private key created a DER encoded certificate called cert.cer that you put in your resource bundle.. the private key created a DER encoded certificate called cert.cer that you put in your resource bundle of your app obviously.. bundle of your app obviously you can also download the cert from your server but then you're open to MITM attacks again..
How do I make Qt Creator's debugger show the contents of C++ vectors in OS X? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4720591/how-do-i-make-qt-creators-debugger-show-the-contents-of-c-vectors-in-os-x GDB permission to debug applications sudo codesign s gdb cert opt local bin ggdb If gdb cert isn't found create a gdb cert.. sudo codesign s gdb cert opt local bin ggdb If gdb cert isn't found create a gdb cert by clicking on the link below.. opt local bin ggdb If gdb cert isn't found create a gdb cert by clicking on the link below and follow the directions for..
how to Read the certificates file from the PKCS7.p7b certificate file usind openssl? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6369096/how-to-read-the-certificates-file-from-the-pkcs7-p7b-certificate-file-usind-open to Read the certificates file from the PKCS7.p7b certificate file usind openssl.. to Read the certificates file from the PKCS7.p7b certificate file usind openssl hi i am getting PKCS7 file p7b .i.. p7b .i want to read the content of the file and extract certificate in X509 structure. how can i access individual Certificate..
HTTPS request with Boost.Asio and OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046370/https-request-with-boost-asio-and-openssl implementation is really strict because when I print the certificate to the screen it looks legit and chrome has no problem.. Fix I fixed the typo in the HTTP headers I added a root certificate and turned SSL verification back on. c boost https openssl.. seem valid to me. Maybe OpenSSL does not have the root certificate used by the server unlike Chrome and that's why verification..