c++ Programming Glossary: cfoo
Why is the use of typedef in this template necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1215055/why-is-the-use-of-typedef-in-this-template-necessary this code in Visual Studio 2005 template class T class CFooVector public std vector CFoo T public void SetToFirst typename.. 2005 template class T class CFooVector public std vector CFoo T public void SetToFirst typename std vector CFoo T iterator.. vector CFoo T public void SetToFirst typename std vector CFoo T iterator iter template class T void CFooVector T SetToFirst..
const CFoo &bar() const http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2742084/const-cfoo-bar-const CFoo bar const I have a property of a class for example const CFoo.. bar const I have a property of a class for example const CFoo bar const what does it mean c share improve this question.. question The method bar returns a reference to a const CFoo that's the const CFoo part before bar and calling this method..
const reference must be initialized in constructor base/member initializer list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3168238/const-reference-must-be-initialized-in-constructor-base-member-initializer-list properly. What can I do to make this compile class CFoo public CFoo ~CFoo class CBar public CBar const CFoo foo fooReference.. What can I do to make this compile class CFoo public CFoo ~CFoo class CBar public CBar const CFoo foo fooReference foo.. What can I do to make this compile class CFoo public CFoo ~CFoo class CBar public CBar const CFoo foo fooReference foo ~CBar..
Singleton pattern in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4084087/singleton-pattern-in-c I encounter a C code that used a singleton pattern class CFoo public static CFoo getInstance static CFoo self return self.. that used a singleton pattern class CFoo public static CFoo getInstance static CFoo self return self private CFoo ~CFoo.. pattern class CFoo public static CFoo getInstance static CFoo self return self private CFoo ~CFoo I am just confused why return..
Scope of C libraries in C++ - <X.h> vs <cX> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2118422/scope-of-c-libraries-in-c-x-h-vs-cx very careful about that. C 98 had a splendid dream wherein cfoo would declare everything within namespace std and foo.h would.. everything within namespace std and foo.h would include cfoo and then drag everything into the global namespace with using.. open std.org jtc1 sc22 wg21 docs papers 2008 n2723.pdf now cfoo is guaranteed to declare everything within namespace std and..
are C functions declared in <c____> headers guaranteed to be in the global namespace as well as std? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587445/are-c-functions-declared-in-c-headers-guaranteed-to-be-in-the-global-names very careful about that. C 98 had a splendid dream wherein cfoo would declare everything within namespace std and foo.h would.. everything within namespace std and foo.h would include cfoo and then drag everything into the global namespace with using.. open std.org jtc1 sc22 wg21 docs papers 2008 n2723.pdf now cfoo is guaranteed to declare everything within namespace std and..
Should I include stddef.h or cstddef? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5079325/should-i-include-stddef-h-or-cstddef only a couple standard C headers are required to have the cfoo header Posix headers are not. Do you know which headers are..
getchar() doesn't work well? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8442644/getchar-doesnt-work-well of compatibility libraries for C are done as #include cfoo instead of #include foo.h . It may not make all that big a difference..