c++ Programming Glossary: cdef
Can I override a C++ virtual function within Python with Cython? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10126668/can-i-override-a-c-virtual-function-within-python-with-cython all non virtual methods in the standard fashion cdef class A cdef CyABase thisptr def __init__ self self.thisptr.. non virtual methods in the standard fashion cdef class A cdef CyABase thisptr def __init__ self self.thisptr new CyABase cpy_ref.PyObject.. instance the method arguments and an error pointer cdef public api int cy_call_override_me object self int a int error..
High precision arithmetric in Python and/or C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4773603/high-precision-arithmetric-in-python-and-or-c-c timezone correction yet d lambda x decimal.Decimal str x cdef object fractional2hms double fractional double timezone cdef.. object fractional2hms double fractional double timezone cdef object total hms ms_mult cdef int i hms 0 0 0 0 0 0 ms_mult.. fractional double timezone cdef object total hms ms_mult cdef int i hms 0 0 0 0 0 0 ms_mult d 3600000000000 d 60000000000..
call Cython function from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5710441/call-cython-function-from-c The trick with cython is in using the keyword public cdef public double cython_function double value double value2 return..