c++ Programming Glossary: ccomptr
Trying to create a Math Input Panel in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1623378/trying-to-create-a-math-input-panel-in-c-sharp #include micaut_i.c extern C __declspec dllexport int run CComPtr IMathInputControl g_spMIC Math Input Control HRESULT hr CoInitialize..
Enumerate COM object (IDispatch) methods using ATL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112302/enumerate-com-object-idispatch-methods-using-atl Ideally I would like to do this using smart COM pointers CComPtr . Is this possible c com atl share improve this question.. to map the name to the proper DISPID. HRESULT hr CComPtr IDispatch dispatch DISPID dispid WCHAR member YOUR FUNCTION..
What legitimate reasons exist to overload the unary operator&? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6495977/what-legitimate-reasons-exist-to-overload-the-unary-operator like a good idea at the time. Aha remembered Microsoft's CComPtr . Edit To generalize it might make sense under the following..
Raw C++ code to display the names of tables in an SQL compact server using OLE DB http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8780656/raw-c-code-to-display-the-names-of-tables-in-an-sql-compact-server-using-ole-d NULL COINIT_MULTITHREADED Connect to SQL Server. CComPtr IDBInitialize spIDBInitialize hr spIDBInitialize.CoCreateInstance.. OLESTR Microsoft.SQLLITE.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0 CComPtr IDBProperties spIDBProperties hr spIDBInitialize QueryInterface.. NULL hr spIDBInitialize Initialize Execute the query. CComPtr IDBCreateSession spIDBCreateSession hr spIDBInitialize QueryInterface..
IE9 fails to fire onscroll event on HTMLWindow2 in BHO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9539410/ie9-fails-to-fire-onscroll-event-on-htmlwindow2-in-bho 0 DispEventAdvise _spWindow if SUCCEEDED hr ... else CComPtr IEventTarget spIEventTarget hr _spWindow QueryInterface IID_IEventTarget.. new CIE9UIEvent This class must derive from IDispatchEx CComPtr IDispatch spIDispatch HRESULT hr _spEventScroll QueryInterface.. rgvarg 1 .vt VT_DISPATCH pDispParams rgvarg 1 .pdispVal CComPtr IDOMEvent spIDOMEvent HRESULT hr pDispParams rgvarg 1 .pdispVal..