c++ Programming Glossary: cb
Issue when scheduling tasks using clock() function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11865460/issue-when-scheduling-tasks-using-clock-function chrono system_clock time_type event const callback_type cb const time_type when callback_ cb when_ when void operator.. const callback_type cb const time_type when callback_ cb when_ when void operator const callback_ callback_type callback_.. event_less event_queue void add const event callback_type cb const time_t when auto real_when std chrono system_clock from_time_t..
Storing boost::function objects in a container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13094720/storing-boostfunction-objects-in-a-container string 16 '_' endl int main int argc char argv Callbacks cb cb.register_callback func1 cb.register_callback func2 1 cb.register_callback.. 16 '_' endl int main int argc char argv Callbacks cb cb.register_callback func1 cb.register_callback func2 1 cb.register_callback.. int argc char argv Callbacks cb cb.register_callback func1 cb.register_callback func2 1 cb.register_callback func2 2 cb.register_callback..
demote boost::function to a plain function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282372/demote-boostfunction-to-a-plain-function-pointer int x void user_data void RegisterCallback CallbackType cb void user_data void MyCallback int x void userData boost function..
Class method as winAPI callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3725425/class-method-as-winapi-callback callback int blah void user_data void some_func callback cb void user_data class my_class public ... void call_some_func..
5 years later, is there something better than the “Fastest Possible C++ Delegates”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298408/5-years-later-is-there-something-better-than-the-fastest-possible-c-delegate int callback callback 42 int main Foo f Callback void int cb static_cast void f Wrapper void Foo int Foo DoSomething InvokeCallback.. void f Wrapper void Foo int Foo DoSomething InvokeCallback cb return 0 We're making progress But now our problem is the fact..
Calling Python functions from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331599/calling-python-functions-from-c a function that takes a boost python object. bp object pycb global variable. could also store it in a map etc void register_callback.. store it in a map etc void register_callback bp object cb pycb cb If it is in a single known namespace with a consistent.. it in a map etc void register_callback bp object cb pycb cb If it is in a single known namespace with a consistent name..
Compiler Error: Function call with parameters that may be unsafe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903064/compiler-error-function-call-with-parameters-that-may-be-unsafe HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Read void __RPC_FAR pv ULONG cb ULONG __RPC_FAR pcbRead if prepend.size 0 int n min prepend.size.. Read void __RPC_FAR pv ULONG cb ULONG __RPC_FAR pcbRead if prepend.size 0 int n min prepend.size cb prepend.copy.. pcbRead if prepend.size 0 int n min prepend.size cb prepend.copy char pv n prepend prepend.substr n if pcbRead pcbRead..
Thread safe implementation of circular buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9743605/thread-safe-implementation-of-circular-buffer boost mutex scoped_lock lock circ_buffer circ_buffer int n cb.set_capacity n void send T imdata lock lk monitor cb.push_back.. int n cb.set_capacity n void send T imdata lock lk monitor cb.push_back imdata buffer_not_empty.notify_one T receive lock.. T receive lock lk monitor while cb.empty buffer_not_empty.wait lk T imdata cb.front cb.pop_front..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl t.x .5 2.0 t.y vec2 tcOdd vec2 tcEven.x 1.0 t.y float Cb texture2DRect tex tcEven .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect tex tcOdd.. by texture cache float r y 1.28033 Cr float g y .21482 Cb .38059 Cr float b y 2.12798 Cb gl_FragColor vec4 r g b 1.0.. Cr float g y .21482 Cb .38059 Cr float b y 2.12798 Cb gl_FragColor vec4 r g b 1.0 int v glCreateShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl 0 .xy get texcoord from fixed function pipeline float CbY ImgHeight floor t.y 4.0 float CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half.. float CrY ImgHeight chromaHeight_Half floor t.y 4.0 float CbCrX floor t.x 2.0 chromaWidth floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect.. CbCrX floor t.x 2.0 chromaWidth floor mod t.y 2.0 float Cb texture2DRect tex vec2 CbCrX CbY .x .5 float Cr texture2DRect..