c++ Programming Glossary: caveats
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit 'parameters' passing local state around . NOTE There are caveats with the use of the kleene operator it is greedy and parsing..
Calling Objective-C method from C++ method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061005/calling-objective-c-method-from-c-method C with Objective C if you do it carefully. There are a few caveats but generally speaking they can be mixed. If you want to keep..
Use libraries compiled with visual studio in an application compiled by g++ (mingw) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1138170/use-libraries-compiled-with-visual-studio-in-an-application-compiled-by-g-min written in C or with an extern C interface yes but certain caveats apply . If the library is a DLL with a C interface yes but you'll..
How to detect that a given PE file (exe or dll) is 64 bit or 32 bit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1153090/how-to-detect-that-a-given-pe-file-exe-or-dll-is-64-bit-or-32-bit correct or did I miss something Are there any other caveats 2 Is there easier way to detect 32 64 bitness probably some..
WM_KEYDOWN : how to use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169732/wm-keydown-how-to-use-it keyboard input with PostMessage . There are still some caveats with respect to keyboard state async state The SendInput function..
Memory management patterns in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14539624/memory-management-patterns-in-c you need reference semantics or value semantics with some caveats to be taken into account . If you need reference semantics which..
How to access MySQL from multiple threads concurrently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1455190/how-to-access-mysql-from-multiple-threads-concurrently with simply making a new connection in each thread. Some caveats that I've come across Like you say you're already doing link..
Can you make custom operators in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1515399/can-you-make-custom-operators-in-c but merely tricks of operator overloading there are a few caveats Macros are evil. If you make a mistake the compiler will be..
How should one log when an exception is triggered? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15504166/how-should-one-log-when-an-exception-is-triggered Initially it seems to work but I know there are some caveats about using std uncaught_exception . is there another way to..
How do you use the non-default constructor for a member? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2088944/how-do-you-use-the-non-default-constructor-for-a-member
using catch(…) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183113/using-catch-ellipsis-for-post-mortem-analysis and recognize whatever catch was called with Also what caveats are connected with it. In particular will it play nice with..
C++: Get MAC address of network adapters on Vista? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221894/c-get-mac-address-of-network-adapters-on-vista tests under Vista show that it also works but there are caveats NetBIOS has to be present for instance and from what I've been..
Fixed-size floating point types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2524737/fixed-size-floating-point-types type on most non embedded platforms though the usual caveats about some compilers evaluating expressions in a wider format..
In C++, is it still bad practice to return a vector from a function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3134831/in-c-is-it-still-bad-practice-to-return-a-vector-from-a-function because the compiler does it anyway. Of course there are caveats so you should read that article. share improve this answer..
Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34125/which-if-any-c-compilers-do-tail-recursion-optimization by Mark Probst. The thesis describes some interesting caveats in the implementation. It's worth reading. share improve this..
Performance of built-in types : char vs short vs int vs. float vs. double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5069489/performance-of-built-in-types-char-vs-short-vs-int-vs-float-vs-double operating on integers of their native word size with some caveats about 64 bit systems . 32 bit operations are often faster than..
How do you explain C++ pointers to a C#/Java developer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5174725/how-do-you-explain-c-pointers-to-a-c-java-developer main and die after main exits. There are some technical caveats to that but that is the basics. Automatic Storage Duration objects...
How do I allocate a std::string on the stack using glibc's string implementation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/783944/how-do-i-allocate-a-stdstring-on-the-stack-using-glibcs-string-implementation sure to read the comments in the code regarding usage and caveats. To those who have questioned the utility and sanity of doing..
Reading formatted input from an istream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9027896/reading-formatted-input-from-an-istream work because clang doesn't support lambda. With the two caveats the above code should be correct though... share improve this..