

c++ Programming Glossary: typedef

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?


by boost shared_ptr and std shared_ptr . void f typedef std tr1 shared_ptr MyObject MyObjectPtr Nice short alias. MyObjectPtr..

Is it possible to write a C++ template to check for a function's existence?


SFINAE test template typename T class has_helloworld typedef char one typedef long two template typename C static one test.. template typename T class has_helloworld typedef char one typedef long two template typename C static one test typeof C helloworld..

Pretty-print C++ STL containers


type template typename TChar struct delimiters_values typedef TChar char_type const TChar prefix const TChar delimiter const.. type template typename T typename TChar struct delimiters typedef delimiters_values TChar type static const type values Default.. delimiters T TChar struct print_container_helper typedef TChar char_type typedef TDelimiters delimiters_type typedef..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


U struct inUnion Q where to add typename template here typedef Tail inUnion U dummy template struct inUnion T template typename.. U template struct inUnion T The problem I have is in the typedef Tail inUnion U dummy line. I'm fairly certain that inUnion is.. found then U is not one of the types T1...Tn and I try to typedef an array with negative size. c templates c 11 c faq dependent..

get human readable AST from c++ code


cc1 ast dump xml test.cpp TranslationUnit ptr 0x4e42660 Typedef ptr 0x4e42bd0 name __builtin_va_list typeptr 0x0 PointerType.. BuiltinType ptr 0x4e426f0 canonical 0x4e426f0 PointerType Typedef Function ptr 0x4e42c70 name main returnzero true prototype true..

LRU implementation in production code


a LRU cache using a linked list spread over a hash map. Typedef for URL Entry pair typedef std pair std string Entry EntryPair.. URL Entry pair typedef std pair std string Entry EntryPair Typedef for Cache list typedef std list EntryPair CacheList Typedef.. for Cache list typedef std list EntryPair CacheList Typedef for URL indexed map into the CacheList typedef boost unordered_map..

C++ typedef interpretation of const pointers


typedef behavior on the basis of textual replacement. Typedef names are not macros they are not replaced textually. As you.. const int CI has the same meaning as typedef int const CI Typedef name don't define new types only aliases to existing ones but..

Typedef function pointer?


function pointer I'm learning how to dynamically load DLL's..

why use c++ Typedef?


use c Typedef My understanding of typedef is to give a declaration an alias...

Alias template specialisation


It's summarized in the paper N1406 Proposed addition to C Typedef Templates section 2.2 2.2 The Main Choice Specialization vs...

Typedef pointers a good idea?


pointers a good idea I looked through some code and noticed..