c++ Programming Glossary: tv.tv_sec
Combing an External Event Loop with Qt's http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051333/combing-an-external-event-loop-with-qts for the select function in lines 106 through 117 with tv.tv_sec 0 tv.tv_usec 10000 run processEvents every 0.01 seconds app..
using QTextStream to read stdin in a non-blocking fashion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271784/using-qtextstream-to-read-stdin-in-a-non-blocking-fashion stdinfd FD_SET STDIN_FILENO stdinfd struct timeval tv tv.tv_sec 0 tv.tv_usec 0 int ready select 1 stdinfd NULL NULL tv if ready..
How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1861294/how-to-calculate-execution-time-of-a-code-snippet-in-c 10^0 after converting them to milliseconds 10^ 3 ret tv.tv_sec 1000 return ret #endif You can modify it to return microseconds..
how to solve unhandled exception error when using visual C++ 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2490449/how-to-solve-unhandled-exception-error-when-using-visual-c-2008 tm tm uint32_t start gettimeofday tv tz tm localtime tv.tv_sec printf TIMESTAMP START t d 02d 02d d ~ d ms n tm tm_hour tm.. improve this question Try Something like... tm localtime tv.tv_sec if tm printf TIMESTAMP START t d 02d 02d d ~ d ms n tm tm_hour..
Why does C need “struct” keyword and not C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8422775/why-does-c-need-struct-keyword-and-not-c what's going on here #include stdio.h int main timeval tv tv.tv_sec 1 for select 0 0 0 0 tv printf s n Hello World Sorry if that..
Sleep less than one millisecond http://stackoverflow.com/questions/85122/sleep-less-than-one-millisecond straightforward int usleep long usec struct timeval tv tv.tv_sec usec 1000000L tv.tv_usec usec 1000000L return select 0 0 0 0.. SOCK_STREAM IPPROTO_TCP FD_ZERO dummy FD_SET s dummy tv.tv_sec usec 1000000L tv.tv_usec usec 1000000L return select 0 0 0 dummy..
timespec equivalent for windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8583308/timespec-equivalent-for-windows timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 if t0.tv_sec t0 tv return tv.tv_sec t0.tv_sec tv.tv_usec t0.tv_usec 1000000. #else #include windows.h..