

c++ Programming Glossary: tweaking

Building a Mac and Windows GUI Application


view do not follow guidelines. It's mostly fixable by tweaking the layouts but needs to be done everywhere and I'd get it with..

Lib svm, how to convert MyModel.mat to MyModel.model


. EDIT Ok it appears that the code I mentioned needs some tweaking. Below is my modified version. I tested it using the latest..

How and when should I use pitched pointer with the cuda API?


of padding and pitch which I am not. I usually end up tweaking the various examples I find in the documentation or somewhere..

how do I do print preview in win32 c++?


a high resolution device like a 300 dpi laser printer this tweaking is minimal. But on a 96 dpi screen the tweaks can add up to..

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)


Faster bulk inserts in sqlite3?


bulk share improve this question You can also try tweaking a few parameters to get extra speed out of it. Specifically..

Visual Studio 2010 & 2008 can't handle source files with identical names in different folders?


handle this transparently VS 2008 2010 require a bunch of tweaking Aside from my naming convention am I doing something wrong Background..

automatically compare two series -Dissimilarity test


this is the fastest method and the function could use some tweaking to make it more friendly to different data types but it works..

All k nearest neighbors in 2D, C++


bucket. Note that strictly speaking it's not O n but by tweaking the size of the larger cells you should get close enough. ..

Managed C++ wrappers for legacy C++ libraries


so be warned you will have to invest some time into tweaking it to match the .NET way. C CLI doesn't do multiple inheritance..

Why define operator + or += outside a class, and how to do it properly?


wrong though is that it performs the addition by directly tweaking the private members of its operands I 'm assuming that otherwise..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection


of some noisy pixels. The smoothing might help this also tweaking the thresholds could make the erosion unnecessary. But that..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


an easier to use algorithm with fewer number of parameters tweaking the algorithm automating this process by using machine learning..