c++ Programming Glossary: type_info
Why isn't std::initializer_list a language built-in? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15198807/why-isnt-stdinitializer-list-a-language-built-in types defined in the std namespace. typeid returns std type_info and stretching a point perhaps sizeof returns std size_t . In.. sensitive curly braces. Aside from that it's the same as type_info . Personally I don't think the absence of a keyword makes it..
When can typeid return different type_info instances for same type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1819114/when-can-typeid-return-different-type-info-instances-for-same-type can typeid return different type_info instances for same type Andrei Alexandrescu writes in Modern.. of say typeid int returns a reference to the same type_info object. Even though the standard does not guarantee this how..
typeid and typeof in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1986418/typeid-and-typeof-in-c information at run time. It basically returns a type_info object which is equality comparable with other type_info objects... a type_info object which is equality comparable with other type_info objects. Note that the only defined property of the returned.. Note that the only defined property of the returned type_info object has is its being equality and non equality comparable..
Unmangling the result of std::type_info::name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/281818/unmangling-the-result-of-stdtype-infoname the result of std type_info name I'm currently working on some logging code that supposed.. function. This should be relatively easy standard C has a type_info class. This contains the name of the typeid'd class function..
How expensive is RTTI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579887/how-expensive-is-rtti a if ba etc The former involves only one comparison of std type_info the latter necessarily involves traversing an inheritance tree.. structures used by GCC these are all the subclasses of std type_info only hold a few bytes for each type aside from the name. It.. correctly. 2 I couldn't find any resource listing std type_info object stability by platform. For compilers I had access to..
Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6122094/building-boostoptions-from-a-string-boostany-map any_option and the ability to query the type const std type_info type const return mContent type call actual function we also.. to test the stored type for safe casts virtual const std type_info type const 0 and need to be able to perform add_option with.. clone const return new holder T mValue const std type_info type const return typeid mValue void add_option po options_description..