c++ Programming Glossary: type_traits
How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14261183/how-to-make-generic-computations-over-heterogeneous-argument-packs-of-a-variadic making this post too long perhaps it already is #include type_traits #include utility META FUNCTIONS FOR EXTRACTING THE n th..
Determine if Type is a pointer in a template function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301330/determine-if-type-is-a-pointer-in-a-template-function includes that too http www.boost.org doc libs 1_37_0 libs type_traits doc html boost_typetraits reference is_pointer.html share improve..
Why does C++ not have reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359237/why-does-c-not-have-reflection which does the same thing at compile time. boost type_traits is a simple example. You want to know about type T Check its.. a simple example. You want to know about type T Check its type_traits. In C# you'd have to fish around after its type using reflection...
trailing return type using decltype with a variadic template function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744400/trailing-return-type-using-decltype-with-a-variadic-template-function expr with a custom traits class #include iostream #include type_traits using namespace std template class T typename std add_rvalue_reference..
How can I add reflection to a C++ application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41453/how-can-i-add-reflection-to-a-c-application thing is possible with C using template tricks . Use boost type_traits for many things like checking whether a type is integral . For..
How do I use arrays in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810664/how-do-i-use-arrays-in-c those ingredients differ you get a distinct type #include type_traits static_assert std is_same int 8 float 8 value distinct element..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers #ifndef H_PRETTY_PRINT #define H_PRETTY_PRINT #include type_traits #include iostream #include utility #include tuple namespace.. a few changes #include iostream #include iterator #include type_traits #include vector #include algorithm This works similar to ostream_iterator..
Xcode 4.3 and C++11 include paths http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9345271/xcode-4-3-and-c11-include-paths Xcode 4.3 and want to test this C 11 program #include type_traits int main However it doesn't find the type_traits header ~ c.. #include type_traits int main However it doesn't find the type_traits header ~ c o test main.cpp main.cpp 1 10 fatal error 'type_traits'.. header ~ c o test main.cpp main.cpp 1 10 fatal error 'type_traits' file not found #include type_traits ^ 1 error generated. It..