

c# Programming Glossary: room

ReverseString, a C# interview-question


than Marc's answer on that front. In particular there's no room for an off by one error whereas I'd have to actually put some..

Java equivalent of C#'s Rfc2898DerivedBytes


the RFC description quite literally. My code is a clean room implementation with only the RFC as its basis. share improve..

How do I read and edit a .txt file in C#?


improve this question Added some LINQ for fun and profit room for optimization System.IO.File.WriteAllLines outfilename.txt..

Why we need Properties in C#


share improve this question Think about it You have a room and a door to enter this room. If you want to check how who.. Think about it You have a room and a door to enter this room. If you want to check how who is coming in and secure your room.. If you want to check how who is coming in and secure your room then you should use properties otherwise they won't be any door..

How to intersect two polygons?


e.g. null . Hint for optimization These polygons represent room and floor boundaries. So the room boundary will normally fully.. These polygons represent room and floor boundaries. So the room boundary will normally fully intersect with the floor boundary..

ThreadPool SetMaxThreads and SetMinThreads Magic Number


2.0 SP1 and up. There is an enormous amount of breathing room here. On a four core machine it would take 499 seconds to reach..

Adding a Line to the Middle of a File with .NET


you need to shift all of the following items down to make room. The difference is that .NET offers convenience methods for..

overriding protected internal with protected!


a bank account BankAccount. You have a House. You rent a room in House to your best friend Charlie. Charlie has a son David..

TCP Hole Punch (NAT Traversal) Library or something?


How to know who kills my threads


killing my threads ps. It's not Lady Goldent in the living room with the candle stick c# .net asp.net multithreading iis 5..

Subscribe to INotifyPropertyChanged for nested (child) objects


elegant solution it's not fully tested though and there is room for enhancements. It's pretty easy to use just create an instance..

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?


Type.Missing twice in a row you run screaming from the room As for you question you can try to following http msdn.microsoft.com..

If strings are immutable in .NET, then why does Substring take O(n) time?


is going to reclaim them soon and they didn't take up much room on the heap in the first place. So using a persistent strategy..

Handling warning for possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable


goal of taking the highest object is noble but it leaves room for too many assumptions. Do you really want someone to pass..

Difference between association, aggregation and composition


™s take again an example of relationship between House and rooms. House can contain multiple rooms there is no independent life.. between House and rooms. House can contain multiple rooms there is no independent life of room and any room can not belongs.. can contain multiple rooms there is no independent life of room and any room can not belongs to two different house if we delete..

Unhandled Exception after Upgrading to Entity Framework 4.3.1


abstract class Lesson public Guid ID get set public string Room get set public TimeSpan Time get set public int Duration get..

Why we need Properties in C#


and every one easily come in w o any regulation. class Room public string sectionOne public string sectionTwo Room r new.. Room public string sectionOne public string sectionTwo Room r new Room r.sectionOne enter People is getting in to sectionOne.. string sectionOne public string sectionTwo Room r new Room r.sectionOne enter People is getting in to sectionOne pretty..

Is there any way to JSON.NET-serialize a subclass of List<T> that also has extra properties?


IsExpanded false Items Name Livingroom Name Dining Room Name Kitchen Name Second Floor Locations IsExpanded..

Unable to update the EntitySet - because it has a DefiningQuery and no <UpdateFunction> element exist


1 with .net 3.5. I am doing something simple like this var RoomDetails context.Rooms.ToList foreach var Room in Rooms Room.LastUpdated.. doing something simple like this var RoomDetails context.Rooms.ToList foreach var Room in Rooms Room.LastUpdated DateTime.Now.. like this var RoomDetails context.Rooms.ToList foreach var Room in Rooms Room.LastUpdated DateTime.Now I am getting this errror..