

c# Programming Glossary: rightmost

Why am I getting an Out of Memory Error doing ASP .NET Excel Interop?


Excel.XlDirection.xlDown Get address of bottom rightmost cell string downAddress range.get_Address false false Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1..

C#: Extract only right most n letters from a string


How can I extract a substring which is composed of the rightmost six letters from another string Ex my string is PER 343573 ...

How can you nibble (nybble) bytes in C#?


of a byte to have a nibble then shift those bits to the rightmost position in the byte byte x 0xA7 For example... byte nibble1..

Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text?


row y. As you march along each row track the leftmost and rightmost x values for pixels with sufficient neighbors. As long as the.. strength for all h rows int left right width leftmost and rightmost dark pixels in row bool dark false tracking variable for int.. bin if pixel is dark bins y dark 1 0 update leftmost and rightmost dark pixels if dark if left 0 left x if x right right x width..