c# Programming Glossary: rootfolder
Quickest way in C# to find a file in a directory with over 20,000 files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/714101/quickest-way-in-c-sharp-to-find-a-file-in-a-directory-with-over-20-000-files under the root. Here is what the structure looks like rootFolder someFolder someSubFolder xml myFile.xml rootFolder someFolder.. like rootFolder someFolder someSubFolder xml myFile.xml rootFolder someFolder someSubFolder1 xml myFile1.xml rootFolder someFolder.. rootFolder someFolder someSubFolder1 xml myFile1.xml rootFolder someFolder someSubFolderN xml myFile2.xml rootFolder someFolder1..
using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8140339/using-itextsharp-to-extract-and-update-links-in-an-existing-pdf the incorrect ones. string path c html DirectoryInfo rootFolder new DirectoryInfo path foreach DirectoryInfo di in rootFolder.GetDirectories.. new DirectoryInfo path foreach DirectoryInfo di in rootFolder.GetDirectories get pdf foreach FileInfo pdf in di.GetFiles .pdf..