c# Programming Glossary: rootnode
TreeView child node populating problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1851729/treeview-child-node-populating-problem Text Three private void InitializeTreeView TreeNode rootNode new TreeNode Root TreeNode dummyNode new TreeNode Loading. Please.. new TreeNode Loading. Please wait... dummyNode.Tag dummy rootNode.Nodes.Add dummyNode _treeView.Nodes.Add rootNode public class.. dummy rootNode.Nodes.Add dummyNode _treeView.Nodes.Add rootNode public class SomeClass public string Text get set share improve..
Serialize object to XmlDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/781442/serialize-object-to-xmldocument and wrap it in a detail element var rootNode serialiseToDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element detail rootNode.AppendChild.. serialiseToDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element detail rootNode.AppendChild serialisedNode UPDATE 2 Given John Saunders excellent.. infoNode Move into a root detail element var rootNode detailDocument.AppendChild detailDocument.CreateNode XmlNodeType.Element..
Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805457/populate-winforms-treeview-from-datatable then it is a childNode of that note otherwise it is a rootNode. It could also be a parent note but not a rootNode if another.. it is a rootNode. It could also be a parent note but not a rootNode if another row has it's ID as it's ParentNoteID. To complicate.. returned in the DataTable and is unique. foreach TreeNode rootNode in tvwCaseNotes.Nodes ColorNodes rootNode Color.MediumVioletRed..