

c# Programming Glossary: robots

Adding Meta Tag Programatically in c#


. The code behind is HtmlMeta meta new HtmlMeta meta.Name robots meta.Content noindex follow this.Page.Header.Controls.Add meta.. works. In the C# code HtmlMeta meta new HtmlMeta meta.Name robots meta.Content noindex follow MetaPlaceHolder.Controls.Add meta.. and retreive only the value from server side meta name robots content GetMetaRobotsValueFromDatabase share improve this..

How to detect if a visitor is human and not a spider [closed]


You need to distingish between well beheaved law abiding robots and nasty data thieving piratical robots. Nice robots will read.. law abiding robots and nasty data thieving piratical robots. Nice robots will read the 'Robots' meta tag and comply with.. robots and nasty data thieving piratical robots. Nice robots will read the 'Robots' meta tag and comply with you policy...