c# Programming Glossary: risk
Change desktop wallpaper using code in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061678/change-desktop-wallpaper-using-code-in-net
Writing C# Plugin System http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1070787/writing-c-sharp-plugin-system without touching the main application's code and risk breaking something . I've got the base IPlugin interface written..
How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416139/how-to-get-timestamp-of-tick-precision-in-net-c regular interval say every hour or something you run the risk of setting the time back before the last read time kind of like..
How to bind to a PasswordBox in MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1483892/how-to-bind-to-a-passwordbox-in-mvvm with binding to a PasswordBox. It seems it's a security risk but I am using the MVVM pattern so I wish to bypass this. I..
Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194147/are-there-good-reasons-not-to-use-an-orm
Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365272/why-net-string-is-immutable inherently thread safe since no thread can modify it the risk of a thread modifying it in a way that interfers with another..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp static methods. True utility classes that do not pose any risk to bloat are excellent cases for static methods System.Convert..
? (nullable) operator in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183818/nullable-operator-in-c-sharp effectively proxy to the original operators for T . At the risk of sounding like a broken record this is still a value type...
System.Drawing in Windows or ASP.NET services http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390532/system-drawing-in-windows-or-asp-net-services if they're in a hosted environment and or want to risk the GDI issues. But if you want to automagically detect your..
How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4581791/how-do-the-major-c-sharp-di-ioc-frameworks-compare do the major C# DI IoC frameworks compare At the risk of stepping into holy war territory What are the strengths and..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering are however many businesses out there who would never risk a lawsuit and happily buy software licenses and many computer.. licenses and many computer users who either don't want to risk it find it wrong or are not tech savvy enough to pirate. These..
C# - The foreach identifier and closures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/512166/c-sharp-the-foreach-identifier-and-closures has a separate tmp in each closure scope so there is no risk of this issue. Here's a simple proof of the problem static void..
How can I create a temp file with a specific extension with .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/581570/how-can-i-create-a-temp-file-with-a-specific-extension-with-net article on the probabilty of a collision ...one's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in..
Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659013/accessing-a-shared-file-unc-from-a-remote-non-trusted-domain-with-credentials computer is compromised the local computer is now at risk. The first approach is unsatisfactory because the newly mounted..
POCO vs DTO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/725348/poco-vs-dto objects. While you can treat POCOs like DTOs you run the risk of creating an anemic domain model if you do so. Additionally..
How to get a user's client IP address in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735350/how-to-get-a-users-client-ip-address-in-asp-net for all users. Sites that use IP address for ID run the risk of getting it very wrong the examples you give are good ones..
Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/784606/large-wcf-web-service-request-failing-with-400-http-bad-request the default 65535 I believe is so low is to reduce the risk of Denial of Service DoS attacks. You need to set it bigger.. on the client. If you're in an Intranet environment the risk of DoS attacks is probably low so it's probably safe to use..
WCF - Design Parameter Decision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9553267/wcf-design-parameter-decision for determining the œIn Progress renewals though there is a risk that the Renewal Service can change the logic on its own interest...