

c# Programming Glossary: road

How can I easily convert DataReader to List<T>? [duplicate]


most hand written code as well so do consider the œhigh road if you are doing this a lot. See A Defense of Reflection in..

In C#, is “this” keyword required? [duplicate]


If I omit 'this' will that cause problems for me down the road Is ommission of 'this' considered bad practice Constructor public..

When to use IList and when to use List


use a Stack or some other data structure further down the road. If all you need to do in the function is foreach through it..

Set time programmatically using C#


Get the Surface Area of a Polyhedron (3D object)


xy plane . The plane can be slanted. think about a slope road . Given a list of 3D coordinates that define the surface Point3D1X..

Why use MVVM?


But you will become a convert when months down the road your boss asks you tweak a feature. You will actually be able..

Removing a querystring from url in asp.net


Show Console in Windows Application?


of approach will run you into a lot more trouble down the road than it's worth. For example you'll have to have two different..

Model-View-Presenter in WinForms


RoadCondition.Slippery and the view then renders the road in red color. What about data for clicked nodes 5. If when I..

When is it better to store flags as a bitmask rather than using an associative table?


CREATE TRUE haven't got access to SQL Server today on the road . That query would not be able to use an index because of the..

Is LinqToSQL powerful enough? Isn't a more powerful but equally fluent interface easy to construct?


LinqToSQL now and the promise of LinqToEntities down the road lies in their ability to reduce the mismatch between procedural.. who is minimally competent in SQL will immediately hit roadblocks. It isn't just that many of the constructs created as..

How can I create a new application pool in a Web Setup Project?


6 msi share improve this question I've been down this road before and unfortunately you'll need to create the application..

How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


it can be done fast. I'm not advising you to go down this road. This code has some serious limitations and or bugs. Like what..

make the full circular path, shortest path exercise?


and I was not able to solve it. You have a circular road with N number of gas stations. You know the ammount of gas that..

Big smart ViewModels, dumb Views, and any model, the best MVVM approach?


approach if you encountered any disadvantages down the road e.g. with threading or performance. The following code will..