c# Programming Glossary: testdata
XML deserialization 'standardising' line endings, how to stop it? (.NET) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1115459/xml-deserialization-standardising-line-endings-how-to-stop-it-net are not DataToSerialize test new DataToSerialize test.Name TestData Environment.NewLine XmlSerializer configSerializer new XmlSerializer.. ms if deserialized.Name.Equals TestData Environment.NewLine Console.WriteLine Same However this can.. to true DataToSerialize test new DataToSerialize test.Name TestData Environment.NewLine XmlSerializer configSerializer new XmlSerializer..
How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307204/how-to-generate-unique-public-and-private-key-via-rsa string _privatekey string testData TestData string testSalt salt encrypt the test data using the exisiting.. data using the exisiting public key... string encryptedTestData EncryptData testData testSalt try try to decrypt the test data.. using the _privatekey provided by user... string decryptTestData DecryptData encryptedTestData _privatekey testSalt if the data..
Proper DataGrid search from TextBox in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15467553/proper-datagrid-search-from-textbox-in-wpf-using-mvvm MainWindow InitializeComponent for int i 0 i 20 i TestData.Add new TestClass MyProperty GetRandomText MyProperty2 GetRandomText.. TestClass public ObservableCollection TestClass TestData get return _testData set _testData value public class TestClass.. UpdateSourceTrigger PropertyChanged ItemsSource Binding TestData DataGrid.Resources local SearchValueConverter x Key SearchValueConverter..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf public partial class LogViewer Window private string TestData Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed.. LogViewer InitializeComponent random new Random words TestData.Split ' ' .ToList maxword words.Count 1 DataContext LogEntries..
LINQ sort a flat list based on childorder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17968069/linq-sort-a-flat-list-based-on-childorder The order with the ParentID maybe helpfull with the given TestData since the ID ParentIDs are in perfect order but this isnt the.. List TempTable public List TempTable GetFlatData list GetTestData var rootElement from x in list where x.ParentID null orderby.. in childs yield return child public List TempTable GetTestData var returnValue new List TempTable for int i 0 i 50 i var..
Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575893/why-does-my-c-sharp-client-posting-to-my-wcf-rest-service-return-400-bad-req ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json String Create TestData testData The implementation public class testservice Itestservice.. public class testservice Itestservice public String Create TestData testData return Hello your test data is testData.SomeData .. The DataContract DataContract public class TestData DataMember public String SomeData get set And finally my client..
How to deserialize xml to object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10518372/how-to-deserialize-xml-to-object public string Desc get set Here is my testcode. string testData @ StepList Step Name Name1 Name Desc Desc1 Desc Step Step.. typeof StepList using TextReader reader new StringReader testData StepList result StepList serializer.Deserialize reader If you..
How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307204/how-to-generate-unique-public-and-private-key-via-rsa ChangeKeysAndReturnNewPrivateKey string _privatekey string testData TestData string testSalt salt encrypt the test data using the.. public key... string encryptedTestData EncryptData testData testSalt try try to decrypt the test data using the _privatekey.. decrypted assign new keys... if decryptTestData testData AssignNewKey AssignNewKey should set privateKey to the newly..
Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575893/why-does-my-c-sharp-client-posting-to-my-wcf-rest-service-return-400-bad-req WebMessageFormat.Json String Create TestData testData The implementation public class testservice Itestservice public.. testservice Itestservice public String Create TestData testData return Hello your test data is testData.SomeData The DataContract.. Create TestData testData return Hello your test data is testData.SomeData The DataContract DataContract public class TestData..