c# Programming Glossary: ten
Rounding DateTime objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1393696/rounding-datetime-objects nearest interval for a charting application. I'd like an extension method signature like follows so that the rounding can be.. TimeSpan span The idea is that if I pass in a timespan of ten minutes it will round to the nearest ten minute interval. I.. in a timespan of ten minutes it will round to the nearest ten minute interval. I can't get my head around the implementation..
Sockets On Same Machine For Windows and Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1644851/sockets-on-same-machine-for-windows-and-linux is not that large but its very important that it be low latency. We're using sockets right now with nagle dis abled and the.. I found that speed of TCP exchange is more than ten times faster when I run iperf on the same machine comparing..
Switch statement fallthrough in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/174155/switch-statement-fallthrough-in-c one two three four five six seven eight nine string tens new string twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty.. fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety string teens new string ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen.. teens number 10 break else if t 1 ans string.Format 0 tens t case 1 int o number 10 ans numbers o break default throw..
Programmatically get a screenshot of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981670/programmatically-get-a-screenshot-of-a-page are being used throughout. The program will take in around ten web addresses and will save them as a bitmap image. From there..
Windows service and timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246697/windows-service-and-timer method. System.Timers.Timer aTimer Create a timer with a ten second interval. aTimer new System.Timers.Timer 10000 Hook up..
converting numbers in to words C# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2729752/converting-numbers-in-to-words-c-sharp new zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen.. fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen var tensMap new zero ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty.. sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen var tensMap new zero ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety if number..
Generic methods in .NET cannot have their return types inferred. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3203643/generic-methods-in-net-cannot-have-their-return-types-inferred-why the crazy scenarios that creates N G 5 Suppose there are ten different overloads of N each with a different argument type... of N each with a different argument type. Should we make ten different inferences for R If we did should we somehow pick.. to combine these N b G 5 123 Now what do we do We have ten overloads of N to choose from. Do we say that R is int It could..
Compare two List<T> objects for equality, ignoring order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3669970/compare-two-listt-objects-for-equality-ignoring-order t Edit Here is a solution that performs a bit better about ten times faster and only requires IEquatable not IComparable public..
Why are C# structs immutable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3751911/why-are-c-sharp-structs-immutable tomorrow. The alien has fifty health points now but has ten after being hit by the laser beam. Some things are best represented..
Get last 10 lines of very large text file > 10GB c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398378/get-last-10-lines-of-very-large-text-file-10gb-c-sharp to the end of the file then seek backwards until you find ten newlines and then read forward to the end taking into consideration.. cases where the number of lines in the file is less than ten. Below is an implementation in C# as you tagged this generalized..
C# thread pool limiting threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444627/c-sharp-thread-pool-limiting-threads the resource can release it. In this following example ten threads execute a loop with a Sleep statement in the middle...
Why does (does it really?) List<T> implement all these interfaces, not just IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4817369/why-does-does-it-really-listt-implement-all-these-interfaces-not-just-ilis complete all in one place than to make you search through ten different pages to find out what the full interface set is...
If strings are immutable in .NET, then why does Substring take O(n) time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6742923/if-strings-are-immutable-in-net-then-why-does-substring-take-on-time archive 2011 07 19 strings immutability and persistence.aspx The short answer is O n is O 1 if n does not grow large... 1 or O lg n of copying or new allocation is called a persistent immutable data structure. Strings in .NET are immutable your.. your question is essentially why are they not persistent Because when you look at operations that are typically done..
OData with ServiceStack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9577938/odata-with-servicestack does magical things to help you out costs future you ten minutes of debugging. Not worth it. We don't think relying on.. ability to evolve your existing DB tables since it could potentially break existing clients. ServiceStack's recommendation.. a column called 'Type'. And how it would be naturally written if you weren't using OData http api.netflix.com movies ratings..
Convert integers to written numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3213/convert-integers-to-written-numbers Five Six Seven Eight Nine static string teens new string Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen..
Parse decimal and filter extra 0 on the right? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298719/parse-decimal-and-filter-extra-0-on-the-right just for clarity private static readonly BigInteger Ten new BigInteger 10 private static readonly BigInteger UInt32Mask.. remainder BigInteger divided BigInteger.DivRem mantissa Ten out remainder if remainder BigInteger.Zero break exponent..
DataView.Sort - more than just asc/desc (need custom sort) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/582374/dataview-sort-more-than-just-asc-desc-need-custom-sort 11 Eleven table.Rows.Add 14 Fourteen table.Rows.Add 10 Ten table.Rows.Add 12 Twelve table.Rows.Add 13 Thirteen Sort by.. string r2 StringValue Result 11 Eleven 14 Fourteen 10 Ten 13 Thirteen 12 Twelve Sort by IntValue DataView sorted table.ApplySort.. int r IntValue .CompareTo int r2 IntValue Result 10 Ten 11 Eleven 13 Thirteen 12 Twelve 14 Fourteen EDIT Changed it..