c# Programming Glossary: terminal
Reducing memory usage of .NET applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1343374/reducing-memory-usage-of-net-applications a Windows Forms application which will be running in a terminal services environment on a shared server possibly utilized by..
IO exception error when using serialport.open() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14885288/io-exception-error-when-using-serialport-open I can open access and I get good results using Termite a terminal program but whenever I try with Visual Studio it won't even.. really understand why I can access this COM through a terminal program and not my own when as near as I can see there is absolutely.. that problem It doesn't explain why I can use Termite a terminal program for those viewers just joining us though. I have been..
Break out of a while loop that contains a switch statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987379/break-out-of-a-while-loop-that-contains-a-switch-statement inventory records displaying that info on the PocketPC terminal paged results and allows them to enter D for Done Q to quit...
Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2563724/accessing-password-protected-network-drives-in-windows-in-c using the computer such as a user being logged on by a terminal server remote shell or similar process. This logon type has..
Possible to launch a process in a user's session from a service? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3128017/possible-to-launch-a-process-in-a-users-session-from-a-service problem which you have is that Windows should be seen as a terminal server and a users session as a remote session. Your service.. have SE_TCB_NAME privilege to be able to switch current terminal server session. One more remark. In the code above we start..
How to implement single instance per machine application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4223061/how-to-implement-single-instance-per-machine-application object and highlights why this is important when using terminal services see second to last note . share improve this answer..
C# Library for SSH and Telnet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4881587/c-sharp-library-for-ssh-and-telnet page for telnet stack. You can also download Poderosa terminal emulator . It's using Granados as the SSH stack and it has its.. understand the codes. You may also like to check out the terminal emulation library as well. Since you are going to process the.. are going to process the data returning from the remote terminals most terminals return escape character sequence for device..
Why can't I declare an enum inheriting from Byte but I can from byte? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005319/why-cant-i-declare-an-enum-inheriting-from-byte-but-i-can-from-byte is this way it is not clear. Note that char is listed as a terminal for integral type but the specification explicitly states that..
Logoff interactive users in Windows from a service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5207506/logoff-interactive-users-in-windows-from-a-service them out with a five minute warning . Note these are NOT terminal services sessions they are regular local interactive logons...
How to double buffer .NET controls on a form? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/76993/how-to-double-buffer-net-controls-on-a-form and not use double buffering if the user is running in a terminal services session e.g. Remote Desktop This helper method will..
How do you retrieve a list of logged-in/connected users in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132620/how-do-you-retrieve-a-list-of-logged-in-connected-users-in-net I'm guessing that there is some sort of API access to Terminal Services to get this info c# .net windows services login ..
C# .NET: How to check if we're running on battery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241142/c-sharp-net-how-to-check-if-were-running-on-battery If we're running over remote desktop or equivalently in a Terminal server session we must disable animations and double buffering... in way get return System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.TerminalServerSession Now i need to find out if the user is running..
Dot Matrix printing in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246233/dot-matrix-printing-in-c a problem as we're trying to use the application on a 2008 Terminal Server using Easy Print Which is XPS based The question is How..
Get User SID From Logon ID (Windows XP and Up) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2727393/get-user-sid-from-logon-id-windows-xp-and-up under HKEY_USERS when users log on either locally or via Terminal Server. I'm using a WMI query on win32_logonsession to receive..
Wrong path returned by Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationFolder) under IIS6 WebService http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943626/wrong-path-returned-by-environment-getfolderpathenvironment-specialfolder-appli and Settings myUserName Application Data However on Terminal Services Windows 2003 machine running IIS6 and executing the..
How do I send bytes to a serial device in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5504716/how-do-i-send-bytes-to-a-serial-device-in-c 13 IOCTL_SERIAL_CLR_DTR You don't set the DTR Data Terminal Ready signal and hence the device is not expecting any data.. a bit. Last but not least some common terminology DTE Data Terminal Equipment your comupter DCE Data Communications Equipment your..
Find gsm modem port in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7139035/find-gsm-modem-port-in-c-sharp Switch on confirmations serialPort.DtrEnable true Set Data Terminal Ready DTR signal serialPort.RtsEnable true Set Request to Send..
SerialPort DataReceived event does not fire http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8907490/serialport-datareceived-event-does-not-fire set it to None then the driver won't turn on the DTR Data Terminal Ready and RTS Request To Send signals. Which a serial port device.. then use another serial port program like Putty or HyperTerminal to ensure the connection and communication parameters are good..