c# Programming Glossary: test.csv
C# Processing Fixed Width Files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12543223/c-sharp-processing-fixed-width-files
Very simple C# CSV reader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1375410/very-simple-c-sharp-csv-reader
How in .Net do I Import Values from a CSV in the format I want using OleDB? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237763/how-in-net-do-i-import-values-from-a-csv-in-the-format-i-want-using-oledb OleDbCommand dbCommand new OleDbCommand SELECT FROM test.csv dbConn dbConn.Open OleDbDataReader dbReader dbCommand.ExecuteReader..
Reading csv file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3507498/reading-csv-file below TextFieldParser parser new TextFieldParser @ c temp test.csv parser.TextFieldType FieldType.Delimited parser.SetDelimiters.. using TextFieldParser parser new TextFieldParser @ c temp test.csv parser.TextFieldType FieldType.Delimited parser.SetDelimiters..
c# datatable to csv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4959722/c-sharp-datatable-to-csv sb.Append Environment.NewLine File.WriteAllText test.csv sb.ToString Thanks. c# csv delimited text share improve this.. ToArray sb.AppendLine string.Join fields File.WriteAllText test.csv sb.ToString .net 4.0 And as Tim pointed out if you are on .net.. sb.AppendLine string.Join fields File.WriteAllText test.csv sb.ToString As suggested by Christian if you want to handle..
C#.NET- Reading CSV file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282999/c-net-reading-csv-file string args var reader new StreamReader File.OpenRead @ C test.csv List string listA new List string List string listB new List..