c# Programming Glossary: terminology
What does void mean in C, C++, and C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1043034/what-does-void-mean-in-c-c-and-c looking at a C based codebase. c# c c language design terminology share improve this question Basically it means nothing or..
Is casting the same thing as converting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143997/is-casting-the-same-thing-as-converting I suspect this is a case of Jesse Liberty being loose with terminology I've noticed that in Programming C# 3.0 which I've just been..
What's the difference between an argument and a parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/156767/whats-the-difference-between-an-argument-and-a-parameter Except perhaps when you're defining the precise terminology then you can also use formal argument parameter and actual argument.. disambiguate. c# language agnostic parameters arguments terminology share improve this question A parameter is a variable in..
C# Can I Override with derived types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/157119/c-sharp-can-i-override-with-derived-types same thing but I hope explains better and uses the correct terminology. This is not possible in any .NET language because of type safety..
C# compiler number literals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166752/c-sharp-compiler-number-literals googling for this but could not find anything. Maybe my terminology is wrong and so that explains why I am coming up blank. Any..
Generics -Open and closed constructed Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1735035/generics-open-and-closed-constructed-types generics share improve this question In practice the terminology doesn't really matter much I can't remember the last time I.. to day use. I'm generally in favour of knowing the correct terminology particularly for things like pass by reference etc but in this..
Immutable object pattern in C# - what do you think? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263585/immutable-object-pattern-in-c-sharp-what-do-you-think those ThrowIfFrozen checks. apologies if I have changed terminology method names SO doesn't keep the original post visible when..
Is this a well known design pattern? What is its name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2637268/is-this-a-well-known-design-pattern-what-is-its-name a pattern and does it have a name c# java design patterns terminology overloading share improve this question It's actually more..
Why would a class implement IDisposable explicitly instead of implicitly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3119288/why-would-a-class-implement-idisposable-explicitly-instead-of-implicitly Do implement a Close method for cleanup purposes if such terminology is standard for example as with a file or socket. When doing..
In C# what is the difference between myInt++ and ++myInt? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437026/in-c-sharp-what-is-the-difference-between-myint-and-myint are also valid for decrement operations and the correct terminology for these operations are i pre increment i post increment i..
How do I have Open XML spreadsheet “uncollapse” cells in a spreadsheet? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4923359/how-do-i-have-open-xml-spreadsheet-uncollapse-cells-in-a-spreadsheet missing It seems like they are being collapsed in Open XML terminology. WorkbookPart workbookPart spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart..
Is there an alternative to bastard injection? (AKA poor man's injection via default constructor) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6733667/is-there-an-alternative-to-bastard-injection-aka-poor-mans-injection-via-defa answers Dependency Inject DI friendly library BTW the terminology used here is based on the pattern language from my book . share..
How are live tiles made in Windows 8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7442760/how-are-live-tiles-made-in-windows-8 the first preview. . . edit You'll first need to learn the terminology of the MetroUI. You can also find more info under Windows Phone..
?? Null Coalescing Operator --> What does coalescing mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/770186/null-coalescing-operator-what-does-coalescing-mean still doesn't make sense. Can someone enlighten me c# terminology coalesce null coalescing operator share improve this question..
Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8015001/is-there-an-efficient-algorithm-for-segmentation-of-handwritten-text would indicate the rotation. I'm not familiar with GA terminology but if what I've suggested is of some value I'm sure you can..
Importing nested namespaces automatically in C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9023465/importing-nested-namespaces-automatically-in-c-sharp wrong here.. maybe move to global namespace is the right terminology. c# .net share improve this question C# is not Java. A..
Is there any definitive documentation on writing software installers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923384/is-there-any-definitive-documentation-on-writing-software-installers etc. Far too many to list here but once you know the terminology you'll find most of them popping up in google results. If this..