c# Programming Glossary: test1
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200910/create-hello-wold-websocket-example .Trim key should now equal dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ var test1 AcceptKey ref key var newLine r n var response HTTP 1.1 101.. newLine Connection Upgrade newLine Sec WebSocket Accept test1 newLine newLine Sec WebSocket Protocol chat superchat newLine..
HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10343632/httpclient-getasync-never-returns-when-using-await-async Visual Studio 11 to expose the following GET endpoints api test1 api test2 api test3 api test4 api test5 never completes api.. . Deadlock. Here's why the other ones work test1 test2 and test3 Continuations_GetSomeDataAsync schedules the..
Most efficient way to test equality of lambda expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/283537/most-efficient-way-to-test-equality-of-lambda-expressions get set public string Bar get set static void Main bool test1 FuncTest Test .FuncEqual x x.Bar y y.Bar test2 FuncTest Test..
Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837070/lock-statement-vs-monitor-enter-method 0 . name class Program static void Main string args var test1 new Test Test1 var test2 new Test Tesst2 lock test1 test1 null.. var test1 new Test Test1 var test2 new Test Tesst2 lock test1 test1 null Console.WriteLine Manual collect 1. GC.Collect.. test1 new Test Test1 var test2 new Test Tesst2 lock test1 test1 null Console.WriteLine Manual collect 1. GC.Collect GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers..
Accessing controls created dynamically (c#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2982198/accessing-controls-created-dynamically-c foreach Control child in panel.Controls Response.Write test1 if child.GetType .ToString .Equals System.Web.UI.WebControls.RadioButtonList.. r RadioButtonList child Response.Write test2 test1 and test2 dont show up in my page. That means something is wrong..
C# How do I set the selected item in a comboBox to match my string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450059/c-sharp-how-do-i-set-the-selected-item-in-a-combobox-to-match-my-string item in a comboBox to match my string I have a string test1 and my comboBox contains test1 test2 test3 how do I set the.. my string I have a string test1 and my comboBox contains test1 test2 test3 how do I set the selected item to test1 I.e. how.. test1 test2 test3 how do I set the selected item to test1 I.e. how do I match my string to one of the comboBox items I..
C# find and extract number from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4734116/c-sharp-find-and-extract-number-from-a-string the string. for example strings string test 1 test string test1 1 test string test2 test 99 c# .net regex string share improve..
In C#, how can I rethrow InnerException without losing stack trace? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57383/in-c-how-can-i-rethrow-innerexception-without-losing-stack-trace this destroys the stack trace. Example code public void test1 Throw an exception for testing purposes throw new ArgumentException.. exception for testing purposes throw new ArgumentException test1 void test2 try MethodInfo mi typeof Program .GetMethod test1.. void test2 try MethodInfo mi typeof Program .GetMethod test1 mi.Invoke this null catch TargetInvocationException tiex ..
Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837070/lock-statement-vs-monitor-enter-method Program static void Main string args var test1 new Test Test1 var test2 new Test Tesst2 lock test1 test1 null Console.WriteLine.. CS 2 0000 5 bool CS 4 0001 L_0000 nop L_0001 ldstr Test1 L_0006 newobj instance void ConsoleApplication2.Test .ctor string..
Detect if a method was overridden using Reflection (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932421/detect-if-a-method-was-overridden-using-reflection-c public virtual bool TestMe Now I inherit this class class Test1 TestBase public override bool TestMe Now using Reflection I.. override share improve this question Given the type Test1 you can determine whether it has its own implementation declaration.. it has its own implementation declaration of TestMe typeof Test1 .GetMethod TestMe .DeclaringType typeof Test1 If the declaration..
De/Serialize directly To/From XML Linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/314062/de-serialize-directly-to-from-xml-linq writer source writer.Close return target public void Test1 MyClass c new MyClass SomeValue bar XDocument doc Serialize..
Linq Distinct on a particular Property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/489258/linq-distinct-on-a-particular-property them by the property Id of the object Person1 Id 1 Name Test1 Person2 Id 1 Name Test1 Person3 Id 2 Name Test2 How can I get.. Id of the object Person1 Id 1 Name Test1 Person2 Id 1 Name Test1 Person3 Id 2 Name Test2 How can I get just Person1 and Person3..
does System.Activator.CreateInstance(T) have performance issues big enough to discourage us from using it casually? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6069661/does-system-activator-createinstancet-have-performance-issues-big-enough-to-di the results. The output timing values are in milliseconds Test1 Activator.CreateInstance T 12342 Test2 new T 1119 Test3 Delegate.. void Main const int IterationCount 100000000 warmup Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 profile Activator.CreateInstance T Stopwatch.. for int index 0 index IterationCount index Test1 sw.Stop sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.Dump Test1 Activator.CreateInstance..
Linq to objects Predicate Builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7094930/linq-to-objects-predicate-builder of what I want to solve eg I have this string keyword1 Test1 string keyword2 Test3 IEnumerable TestObject tests new List.. tests new List TestObject new TestObject Name1 Test1 Name2 Test1 new TestObject Name1 Test2 Name2 Test2 new TestObject.. new List TestObject new TestObject Name1 Test1 Name2 Test1 new TestObject Name1 Test2 Name2 Test2 new TestObject Name1..
ASP.NET MVC3 RAZOR: Redirecting from Partial Views http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9413467/asp-net-mvc3-razor-redirecting-from-partial-views return new new PopularTutorial ID 17 Title Test1 NumberOfReads 1050 new PopularTutorial ID 18 Title Test2 NumberOfReads..