

c# Programming Glossary: tend

Should I use public properties and private fields or public fields for data?


of the code I have seen on SO thecodeproject.com and I tend to do this in my own code I have seen public properties being..

Direct casting vs 'as' operator?


1 for most conversions it's simple and straightforward. I tend to almost never use 2 since if something is not the right type..

Reducing memory usage of .NET applications?


seems excessive. P.S. As to why I would care Power users tend to worry about these things. Even if it has nearly no effect.. on performance semi tech savvy users my target audience tend to go into hissy fits about background application memory usage... your application obviously smaller and more efficient does tend to be desirable. However you should consider what your actual..

How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C?


Syntactically they both have their advantages. Objective C tends to be more verbose where you have to write it . You'll find.. more than that. The people who haven't used MonoTouch tend to stop there It's a wrapper blah blah blah that's not MonoTouch... you worth the 399. And don't listen to the zealots they tend to be the ones who haven't used the technology they're railing..

Displaying the build date


users who want to know if they have the latest build they tend to refer to it as last Thursday's rather than build

How do I Convert a string to an enum in C#?


StatusEnum Enum.Parse typeof StatusEnum Active true I tend to simplify this with public static T ParseEnum T string value..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


much as possible. As such there will probably be classes intended for consumers to use directly on a regular basis and support.. object Dependencies injected with Constructor Injection tend to be long lived but sometimes you need a short lived object..

When do you use the “this” keyword? [closed]


but I was curious how other people use the this keyword. I tend to use it in constructors but may also use it throughout the..

how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET?


happen in your testing or development environments which tend to be fairly static. This makes the problem difficult to track..

C# member variable initialization; best practice?


string Foo get set public Bar ctor Foo Other than that I tend to prefer the field initializer syntax I find it keeps things..

Best practices for exception management in Java or C#


. Also this is a pretty choice comment from m3rLinEz . I tend to agree with Anders Hejlsberg and you that the most callers..

Proper Use of yield return


c# yield return share improve this question I tend to use yield return when I calculate the next item in the list..

How can I programmatically determine if my workstation is locked?


my focus throughout the day. Recently I've noticed that I tend to get off track more than usual and feel the need to get up..

Show Console in Windows Application?


situations where I need API calls to get something done I tend to stop and ask myself am I overcomplicating things . Output..

LINQ to SQL: Return anonymous type?


asp.net linq linq to sql share improve this question I tend to go for this pattern public class DogWithBreed public Dog..



of the business domain. The result of this is that DTOs tend to be more flat than your actual domain. In a domain of any..

Create instance of generic type?


candidate solutions Factory Pattern Reflection Activator I tend to think reflection is the least clean one but I can't decide..