c# Programming Glossary: startreceive
Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3609280/sending-and-receiving-data-over-a-network-using-tcpclient TcpConnection TcpClient tcpClient _tcpClient tcpClient StartReceive private void StartReceive byte buffer new byte BufferSize.. tcpClient _tcpClient tcpClient StartReceive private void StartReceive byte buffer new byte BufferSize try _tcpClient.Client.BeginReceive.. _incomingData.TrimLeft IntSize exitWhile false StartReceive public void Dispose DropConnection That is just an example..
Best way to accept multiple tcp clients? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7104293/best-way-to-accept-multiple-tcp-clients _socket private ArraySegment byte _buffer public void StartReceive ReceiveAsyncLoop null Note that this method is not guaranteed.. IAsyncResult result try This only gets called once via StartReceive if result null int numberOfBytesRead _socket.EndReceive result.. _buffer new ArraySegment byte new byte 4096 0 4096 StartReceive Start the read async loop. private void StartReceive ... private..