c# Programming Glossary: startpoint
Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10768570/graphic-drawline-draw-line-and-move-it Line this.SelectedLine StartLinePoint SelectedLine.StartPoint EndLinePoint SelectedLine.EndPoint StartMoveMousePoint e.Location.. var pen new Pen color 2 e.Graphics.DrawLine pen line.StartPoint line.EndPoint void LineMover_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs.. object sender MouseEventArgs e if Moving null Moving.Line.StartPoint new PointF Moving.StartLinePoint.X e.X Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.X..
How to Draw line/s between Two DataGridView Controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16061001/how-to-draw-line-s-between-two-datagridview-controls ItemsControl.ItemTemplate DataTemplate Line X1 Binding StartPoint.X Y1 Binding StartPoint.Y X2 Binding EndPoint.X Y2 Binding.. DataTemplate Line X1 Binding StartPoint.X Y1 Binding StartPoint.Y X2 Binding EndPoint.X Y2 Binding EndPoint.Y Stroke Black.. x x.DataContext connector.End if startrow null connector.StartPoint Point.Add startrow.TransformToAncestor Root .Transform new Point..
How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2315432/how-to-find-control-points-for-a-beziersegment-given-start-end-and-2-intersect out x1 out y1 out x2 out y2 PathFigure p new PathFigure StartPoint startPt p.Segments.Add new BezierSegment Point1 new Point x1..
Change the Selected Color Listbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5519845/change-the-selected-color-listbox colorful one too LinearGradientBrush x Key GradientBrush StartPoint 0 0 EndPoint 1 1 GradientStop Color Yellow Offset 0.0 GradientStop..
How to draw gridline on WPF Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6434284/how-to-draw-gridline-on-wpf-canvas X GeometryGroup top left to bottom right LineGeometry StartPoint 0 0 EndPoint 20 10 bottom left to top right LineGeometry StartPoint.. 0 0 EndPoint 20 10 bottom left to top right LineGeometry StartPoint 0 10 EndPoint 20 0 GeometryGroup GeometryDrawing.Geometry..
WPF Styles/Template inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070421/wpf-styles-template-inheritance Property Background Setter.Value LinearGradientBrush StartPoint 0 1 EndPoint 0 0 GradientStop Color #F1F1F1 Offset 0 GradientStop.. Property Background Setter.Value LinearGradientBrush StartPoint 0 1 EndPoint 0 0 GradientStop Color #F1F1F1 Offset 1 GradientStop..