c# Programming Glossary: staying
Order of event handler execution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1645478/order-of-event-handler-execution detail and I would not rely on this behavior staying the same in future versions since it is not required by specifications...
MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16993433/mvvm-light-wpf-binding-multiple-instances-of-a-window-to-a-viewmodel Opening Modal Non Modal Windows from a parent VM staying true to the MVVM principles Passing data between windows just..
Memory Leaks in C# WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227909/memory-leaks-in-c-sharp-wpf and I've found that one of my huge main objects is staying in memory after I close the window it manages but I'm not sure..
Method Overloading. Can you overuse it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248222/method-overloading-can-you-overuse-it languages. It seems that most business systems end up staying in production well past their use by date. It may be that the..
Why are C# structs immutable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3751911/why-are-c-sharp-structs-immutable my first point about facts about immutable structures staying facts Suppose string were mutable public static File OpenFile..
Who's on Dictionary<>.First()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436954/whos-on-dictionary-first it's as unsafe as relying on a hash code implementation staying the same between runs. EDIT I believe that in fact the ordering..
How to Identify where Instances of an object are Still Referenced? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5818802/how-to-identify-where-instances-of-an-object-are-still-referenced instances end up mainly as Gen 2 and the other half is staying alive until the end of the App . ha ha ha ha staying alive staying.. is staying alive until the end of the App . ha ha ha ha staying alive staying alive... Ok sorry I could'nt resist... What bothers.. alive until the end of the App . ha ha ha ha staying alive staying alive... Ok sorry I could'nt resist... What bothers me is that..
Which is faster: Automapper, Valuinjector, or manual mapping? To what degree is each one faster? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8122334/which-is-faster-automapper-valuinjector-or-manual-mapping-to-what-degree-is article that describes how users have a higher chance of staying on your site if it loads within 70ms as opposed to 90ms or more...