c# Programming Glossary: startoffset
Drag and drop virtual files using IStream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1187444/drag-and-drop-virtual-files-using-istream FileAccess access FileShare share FileOptions options long startOffset if mode FileMode.Open access FileAccess.Read throw new ArgumentException.. FileAccess.Read ComRelease.None Seek from beginning if startOffset 0 if StreamWrapper.CanSeek StreamWrapper.Seek startOffset SeekOrigin.Begin.. startOffset 0 if StreamWrapper.CanSeek StreamWrapper.Seek startOffset SeekOrigin.Begin else byte Null new byte 256 int Readed 1 while..
UDP data transmission slower than TCP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9300555/udp-data-transmission-slower-than-tcp method call. Here is the code for the Sender part. while startOffset data.Length if startOffset payloadSize data.Length payloadSize.. code for the Sender part. while startOffset data.Length if startOffset payloadSize data.Length payloadSize data.Length startOffset.. payloadSize data.Length payloadSize data.Length startOffset byte subMessageBytes new byte payloadSize 16 byte messagePrefix..