c# Programming Glossary: startdate
Recommended ServiceStack API Structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15231537/recommended-servicestack-api-structure CreateEvent public string Name get set public DateTime StartDate get set Route events Id GET Route events code EventCode GET.. int Id get set public string Name get set public DateTime StartDate get set And follow a similar pattern for Event reviews Route..
ServiceStack Request DTO design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15927475/servicestack-request-dto-design int Id get set public int ShiftId get set public DateTime StartDate get set public DateTime EndDate get set public int Limit get.. ShiftId bookingLimit.ShiftId Limit bookingLimit.Limit StartDate bookingLimit.StartDate EndDate bookingLimit.EndDate public.. Limit bookingLimit.Limit StartDate bookingLimit.StartDate EndDate bookingLimit.EndDate public GetBookingLimitsResponse..
How do I loop through a date range? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1847580/how-do-i-loop-through-a-date-range create an entry in a List. So my inputs would be DateTime StartDate 3 10 2009 DateTime EndDate 3 26 2009 int DayInterval 3 and my.. you can use it like this foreach DateTime day in EachDay StartDate EndDate print it or whatever In this manner you could hit every..
Entering keys manually with Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18907411/entering-keys-manually-with-entity-framework get set TODO Event Type Table later on public DateTime StartDate get set public DateTime EndDate get set public virtual ICollection..
.NET MVC Custom Date Validator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3614076/net-mvc-custom-date-validator dateEnd and in your View Model DateStart public DateTime StartDate get set DateEnd DateStartProperty StartDate public DateTime.. DateTime StartDate get set DateEnd DateStartProperty StartDate public DateTime EndDate get set In your action just check that..
Check if a date range is within a date range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3786821/check-if-a-date-range-is-within-a-date-range following class public class Membership public DateTime StartDate get set public DateTime EndDate get set If null then it lasts.. item var membership new List Membership new Membership StartDate DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays 10 EndDate DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays 5.. 10 EndDate DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays 5 new Membership StartDate DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays 5 EndDate null For example doing var..
Fastest way to serialize and deserialize .NET object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4143421/fastest-way-to-serialize-and-deserialize-net-object Code get set public string Message get set public DateTime StartDate get set public DateTime EndDate get set public static string.. string Message get set XmlElement Order 5 public DateTime StartDate get set XmlElement Order 6 public DateTime EndDate get set public..
How does DataAnnotations really work in MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5154231/how-does-dataannotations-really-work-in-mvc of time for example public class TimeCard public DateTime StartDate get set GreaterThanDateAttribute StartDate public DateTime EndDate.. public DateTime StartDate get set GreaterThanDateAttribute StartDate public DateTime EndDate get set creating a Custom Validation.. Validate ValidationContext validationContext if EndDate StartDate yield return new ValidationResult EndDate must be grater than..
Assign format of DateTime with data annotations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5252979/assign-format-of-datetime-with-data-annotations my view model DataType DataType.DateTime public DateTime StartDate get set If I want to display the date or populate a textbox.. or populate a textbox with the date I have these Model.StartDate Html.TextBoxFor m m.StartDate Whenever the date is displayed.. the date I have these Model.StartDate Html.TextBoxFor m m.StartDate Whenever the date is displayed it's displayed like 01 01 2011..
c# and excel automation - ending the running instance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041266/c-sharp-and-excel-automation-ending-the-running-instance 10 data status .ToString wSheet.Cells iRowCount 11 data startDate .ToString wSheet.Cells iRowCount 12 data value .ToString iRowCount..
The way to handle global variables in a class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11011619/the-way-to-handle-global-variables-in-a-class jaktDate2 Global nameofselectbox startYear endYear year startDate endDate startMounth endMounth startDay endDay today getdate.. compiler short hand for full properties private DateTime _startDate public DateTime StartDate get return _startDate set _startDate.. DateTime _startDate public DateTime StartDate get return _startDate set _startDate value repeat for EndDate The benefit of properties..
How do I use a Service Account to Access the Google Analytics API V3 with .NET C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12980215/how-do-i-use-a-service-account-to-access-the-google-analytics-api-v3-with-net-c authenticator string profileId ga xxxxxxxx string startDate 2010 10 01 string endDate 2010 10 18 string metrics ga visits.. request service.Data.Ga.Get profileId startDate endDate metrics request.Dimensions ga date GaData data request.Fetch.. authenticator string profileId ga 64968920 string startDate 2010 10 01 string endDate 2010 10 31 string metrics ga visits..
Using the instance version of CreateMap and Map with a WCF service? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1668962/using-the-instance-version-of-createmap-and-map-with-a-wcf-service returnReservationUrl reservationSite.ReservationUrl startDate endDate officeCode Mapper.CreateMap Models.Custom.House DTO.House.. bool returnReservationUrl string urlTemplate DateTime startDate DateTime endDate string officeCode this.urlTemplate urlTemplate..
WHERE IN (array of IDs) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/182060/where-in-array-of-ids public MiniEvent getAdminEvents int buildingID DateTime startDate command.CommandText @ SELECT id startDateTime endDateTime From.. DateTime startDate command.CommandText @ SELECT id startDateTime endDateTime From tb_bookings WHERE buildingID IN @buildingIDs.. From tb_bookings WHERE buildingID IN @buildingIDs AND startDateTime @fromDate SqlParameter buildID new SqlParameter @buildingIDs..
Find missing dates for a given range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3388344/find-missing-dates-for-a-given-range public static IEnumerable DateTime Range this DateTime startDate DateTime endDate return Enumerable.Range 0 int endDate startDate.. DateTime endDate return Enumerable.Range 0 int endDate startDate .TotalDays 1 .Select i startDate.AddDays i Then it would be.. 0 int endDate startDate .TotalDays 1 .Select i startDate.AddDays i Then it would be simply DateTime col new DateTime..
Linq to EntityFramework DateTime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4146300/linq-to-entityframework-datetime I am using Entity Framework. My Table Article period startDate I need records that match DateTime.Now startDate and startDate.. period startDate I need records that match DateTime.Now startDate and startDate period DateTime.Now I tried this code but its.. I need records that match DateTime.Now startDate and startDate period DateTime.Now I tried this code but its now working Context.Article..
How to know if a DateTime is between a DateRange in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781611/how-to-know-if-a-datetime-is-between-a-daterange-in-c-sharp a DateRange. I have three dates The date range DateTime startDate DateTime endDate DateTime dateToCheck The easy solution is doing.. a simple comparison looks good to me return dateToCheck startDate dateToCheck endDate Things to think about though DateTime is..
EF 4.1 - Code First - JSON Circular Reference Serialization Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5588143/ef-4-1-code-first-json-circular-reference-serialization-error public int CertificationPeriodId get set public DateTime startDate get set public DateTime endDate get set public bool isDeprecated..
How A Month is defined in the rest of the world? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8820603/how-a-month-is-defined-in-the-rest-of-the-world VB.Net Dim months As Int16 DateDiff DateInterval.Month startDate endDate If startDate.Day 1 AndAlso Date.DaysInMonth endDate.Year.. As Int16 DateDiff DateInterval.Month startDate endDate If startDate.Day 1 AndAlso Date.DaysInMonth endDate.Year endDate.Month endDate.Day.. endDate.Month endDate.Day Then months 1 End If If startDate.Day 1 endDate.Day Then If Not startDate.Day 1 Date.DaysInMonth..