c# Programming Glossary: stdout
How to convert HTML to XHTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138555/how-to-convert-html-to-xhtml blah with argument blarg Input Output default to stdin stdout respectively Single letter options apart from f may be combined..
Redirect stdout+stderr on a C# Windows service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1579074/redirect-stdoutstderr-on-a-c-sharp-windows-service stdout stderr on a C# Windows service I've written a Windows service.. DLL are called. Annoyingly those procedures write to stdout and or stderr in a uncontrolled manner as no sources are given.. the C# service to a log file c# .net windows services stdout stderr share improve this question You can do this via PInvoke..
How do I send ctrl+c to a process in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/283128/how-do-i-send-ctrlc-to-a-process-in-c shell in which case it prints output based on the input to stdout. I want to simulate that ctrl c press in c# code sending the.. output is always empty even though I get data back from stdout when I run the exe manually. edit this is c# 2.0 btw c# command..
How can I redirect the stdout of ironpython in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3055002/how-can-i-redirect-the-stdout-of-ironpython-in-c can I redirect the stdout of ironpython in C# public partial class Form1 Form public.. EventArgs e try var strExpression @ import sys sys.stdout my.write print 'ABC' var engine Python.CreateEngine var scope.. not write. Where is wrong Thanks c# redirect ironpython stdout share improve this question You can set a stream and a textwriter..
Redirect the output (stdout, stderr) of a child process to the Output window in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3642147/redirect-the-output-stdout-stderr-of-a-child-process-to-the-output-window-in the output stdout stderr of a child process to the Output window in Visual Studio.. What I would like to be able to do is redirect the output stdout and stderr of that child process to the Output window in Visual.. the child process finishes. BTW At the moment I can get stdout but not stderr of the parent process to appear in the Output..
Capturing binary output from Process.StandardOutput http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4143281/capturing-binary-output-from-process-standardoutput solution for running an external command and capturing its stdout in binary form The ouput may be very large so I would like to..
Hanging process when run with .NET Process.Start — what's wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/439617/hanging-process-when-run-with-net-process-start-whats-wrong dumb. I ended up creating a small class that contains the stdout stream a StringBuilder to hold the output and a flag to tell..
How to capture Shell command output in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4587415/how-to-capture-shell-command-output-in-c slightly modified from the original code that redirects stdout and stderr for a process string parms @ QUERY machine HKEY_USERS..
Why does StandardOutput.Read() block when StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput is set to true? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6655613/why-does-standardoutput-read-block-when-startinfo-redirectstandardinput-is-set true p.StartInfo.FileName command p.Start StringBuilder sb_stdout new StringBuilder 1024 char buffer new char 64 int nb_bytes_read.. p.StandardOutput.Read buffer 0 buffer.Length sb_stdout.Append new string buffer 0 nb_bytes_read while nb_bytes_read.. string buffer 0 nb_bytes_read while nb_bytes_read 0 if sb_stdout.ToString .EndsWith n fcsh break Thread.Sleep 20 Update Based..
Is there a way to create a second console to output to in .NET when writing a console application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/697227/is-there-a-way-to-create-a-second-console-to-output-to-in-net-when-writing-a-co you could start a new cmd.exe process and use stdio and stdout to send and recieve data. ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo..
How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731649/how-can-i-convert-html-to-text-in-c switch to send the text to standard output and capture the stdout with ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute false and ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput..
How do I create a C# app that decides itself whether to show as a console or windowed app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/807998/how-do-i-create-a-c-sharp-app-that-decides-itself-whether-to-show-as-a-console-o the console. For example myapp.exe help would output to stdout on the console you used but myapp.exe by itself would launch..