c# Programming Glossary: stdin
Can i put binary in stdin? C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284184/can-i-put-binary-in-stdin-c-sharp i put binary in stdin C# Related to this question http stackoverflow.com questions.. p.StandardInput.FormatProvider c# .net stream stdin share improve this question Write directly to the base stream..
How to convert HTML to XHTML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/138555/how-to-convert-html-to-xhtml option blah with argument blarg Input Output default to stdin stdout respectively Single letter options apart from f may be..
How do I send ctrl+c to a process in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/283128/how-do-i-send-ctrlc-to-a-process-in-c for a command line executable. This exe accepts input from stdin until i hit ctrl c in the command prompt shell in which case..
How to detect if Console.In (stdin) has been redirected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3453220/how-to-detect-if-console-in-stdin-has-been-redirected to detect if Console.In stdin has been redirected I want to write a console application that.. the most elegant way to do it in C# c# console redirect stdin share improve this question You can find out by p invoking..
how to pass html as a string using wkhtmltopdf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651373/how-to-pass-html-as-a-string-using-wkhtmltopdf html Stream pdf Size pageSize Process p StreamWriter stdin ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo psi.FileName Path.Combine.. mm page height pageSize.Height mm p Process.Start psi try stdin p.StandardInput stdin.AutoFlush true stdin.Write html.ReadToEnd.. mm p Process.Start psi try stdin p.StandardInput stdin.AutoFlush true stdin.Write html.ReadToEnd stdin.Dispose CopyStream..
Why does StandardOutput.Read() block when StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput is set to true? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6655613/why-does-standardoutput-read-block-when-startinfo-redirectstandardinput-is-set that Process.StandardOutput is broken when used with stdin redirected and while reading something else than terminated..
Interrupt Console.ReadLine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9479573/interrupt-console-readline possible you have to jerk the floor mat by closing the stdin stream. This program demonstrates the idea using System using.. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem o Thread.Sleep 1000 IntPtr stdin GetStdHandle StdHandle.Stdin CloseHandle stdin Console.ReadLine.. IntPtr stdin GetStdHandle StdHandle.Stdin CloseHandle stdin Console.ReadLine P Invoke private enum StdHandle Stdin 10..