

c# Programming Glossary: padlock

Singleton double-check concurrency issue


private static Foo instance private static readonly object padlock new object public static Foo Get if instance null lock padlock.. new object public static Foo Get if instance null lock padlock if instance null instance new Foo return instance Given.. compiler JIT compiler or hardware. 1 if instance null lock padlock if instance null instance alloc Foo instance.variable1 1 inlined..

Implementation of Lazy<T> for .NET 3.5


public sealed class Lazy T private readonly object padlock new object private readonly Func T createValue private bool.. summary public T Value get if isValueCreated lock padlock if isValueCreated value createValue isValueCreated true.. T instance. summary public bool IsValueCreated get lock padlock return isValueCreated summary Initializes a new instance..

Why can't I use the 'await' operator within the body of a lock statement?


this.obj example usage using await Async.Lock padlock await SomethingAsync However this does not work as expected...