c# Programming Glossary: p.y
Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10768570/graphic-drawline-draw-line-and-move-it Color.Green 3 line.StartPoint.X p.X size line.StartPoint.Y p.Y size line.EndPoint.X p.X size line.EndPoint.Y p.Y size if buffer.GetPixel.. p.Y size line.EndPoint.X p.X size line.EndPoint.Y p.Y size if buffer.GetPixel size size .ToArgb Color.Black.ToArgb..
C# Point in polygon http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243042/c-sharp-point-in-polygon p i point.Y poly i .Y p.X poly i .X point.X poly i .X p.Y poly i .Y .ToList if coef.Any p p 0 return true for int.. then by point.Y poly i .Y p.X poly i .X point.X poly i .X p.Y poly i .Y we'll going to calculate the direction which mentioned..
Need advice about filtering datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243616/need-advice-about-filtering-datagrid if p.X buttonRect.X p.X buttonRect.X buttonRect.Width p.Y buttonRect.Y p.Y buttonRect.Y buttonRect.Height return true.. p.X buttonRect.X buttonRect.Width p.Y buttonRect.Y p.Y buttonRect.Y buttonRect.Height return true return false protected..
Fixed point math in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605124/fixed-point-math-in-c static FPoint Create FInt X FInt Y FPoint fp fp.X X fp.Y Y return fp public static FPoint FromPoint Point p FPoint f.. FPoint FromPoint Point p FPoint f f.X FInt p.X f.Y FInt p.Y return f public static Point ToPoint FPoint f return new Point..
SendInput doesn't perform click mouse button unless I move cursor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021954/sendinput-doesnt-perform-click-mouse-button-unless-i-move-cursor returning cursor to previous position SetCursorPos p.X p.Y Same ClickLeftMouseButton function will not click if I remove..
Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873175/displaying-tooltip-on-mouse-hover-of-a-text Point p richTextBox1.Location tip.Show link this p.X e.X p.Y e.Y 32 You can change it the 35 to the tooltip's height controls..