c# Programming Glossary: p.price
ServiceStack Request DTO design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15927475/servicestack-request-dto-design decimal price return products.Where p p.Price price ServiceStack Message Based API Design Whilst ServiceStack..
LINQ - Fluent and Query Expression - Is there any benefit(s) of one over other? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/214500/linq-fluent-and-query-expression-is-there-any-benefits-of-one-over-other from c in db.Customers let totalSpend c.Purchases.Sum p p.Price Method syntax here where totalSpend 1000 from p in c.Purchases..
Access the value of a member expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2616638/access-the-value-of-a-member-expression following linq query. var q repo.Products .Where x x.Price p.Price .ToList In an IQueryable provider I get a MemberExpression back.. IQueryable provider I get a MemberExpression back for the p.Price which contains a Constant Expression however I can't seem to..
Best way to access a SQL Server database using C# .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3989638/best-way-to-access-a-sql-server-database-using-c-sharp-net
Selecting on Sub Queries in NHibernate with Critieria API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6541229/selecting-on-sub-queries-in-nhibernate-with-critieria-api .Where Restrictions.EqProperty Projections.Property p.Price Projections.Max q.Price .And Restrictions.EqProperty Projections.Property.. q.ChildId .Add Restrictions.EqProperty p.Price Projections.Max q.Price .Add Restrictions.EqProperty p.ChildId..