c# Programming Glossary: p.add
Display Unicode characters in converting Html to Pdf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10329863/display-unicode-characters-in-converting-html-to-pdf Paragraph Font fontNormal foreach var element in list p.Add element doc.Add p doc.Close c# c# 4.0 itextsharp share..
Need help to understand Moq better http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1073846/need-help-to-understand-moq-better manager.CreatePerson Bob 12 mockRepository.Verify p p.Add It.IsAny Person If you wanted to make this test more explicit..
Fastest method for SQL Server inserts, updates, selects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2862428/fastest-method-for-sql-server-inserts-updates-selects WHERE f.ID @ParentID delegate SqlParameterCollection p p.Add @ParentID SqlDbType.Int .Value ParentID I'm gonna stop right.. WHERE f.ID @ParentID delegate SqlParameterCollection p p.Add @ParentID SqlDbType.Int .Value ParentID Obviously this last..
C# parameterized queries for Oracle - serious & dangerous bug! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3876856/c-sharp-parameterized-queries-for-oracle-serious-dangerous-bug values Column1 Column2 Column3 var p cmd.Parameters p.Add Column1 1 p.Add Column3 null p.Add Column2 record 1 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery.. Column2 Column3 var p cmd.Parameters p.Add Column1 1 p.Add Column3 null p.Add Column2 record 1 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery Whoa.. var p cmd.Parameters p.Add Column1 1 p.Add Column3 null p.Add Column2 record 1 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery Whoa I get an ORA 01722..