c# Programming Glossary: page.ispostback
ASP.Net double-click problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1498269/asp-net-double-click-problem Use a Token to make sure it has only been clicked once. if Page.IsPostBack if double.Parse hidToken.Text double Session NextToken InputMethod..
ASP.NET MVC - Populate a drop down list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2396883/asp-net-mvc-populate-a-drop-down-list void myDropDownList_Load object sender EventArgs e if Page.IsPostBack false List Person people GetPeopleFromDatabase myDropDownList.DataSource..
Quartz.Net scheduler works locally but not on remote host http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2763072/quartz-net-scheduler-works-locally-but-not-on-remote-host protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e if Page.IsPostBack ISchedulerFactory schedFact new StdSchedulerFactory IScheduler..
ASP.NET C#, need to press a button twice to make something happen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/297217/asp-net-c-need-to-press-a-button-twice-to-make-something-happen data protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e if Page.IsPostBack LoadData private void LoadData labDownloadList.Text null Session..
Accessing controls created dynamically (c#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2982198/accessing-controls-created-dynamically-c On PageLoad method check to see if it's a postback... if Page.IsPostBack Recreate your controls here. A really important thing assign..
How to dynamic adding rows into asp.net table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3003912/how-to-dynamic-adding-rows-into-asp-net-table table How can I add rows in a table from server side if Page.IsPostBack Session table TableId else TableId Table Session table protected..
Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8851933/event-bubbling-and-mvp-asp-net time in user control. currentTimePresenter.SetCurrentTime Page.IsPostBack Event described in User Control Subsribe for it. ucCtrlcurrentTimeView.myBtnAddDaysClickedEvent..