c# Programming Glossary: p.firstname
String output: format or concat in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16432/string-output-format-or-concat-in-c p new FirstName Bill LastName Gates Console.WriteLine 0 1 p.FirstName p.LastName Console.WriteLine p.FirstName p.LastName Do you rather.. 0 1 p.FirstName p.LastName Console.WriteLine p.FirstName p.LastName Do you rather use format or do you simply concat.. 0 string result s.Start for var i 0 i n i result p.FirstName p.LastName s.Stop cElapsedMilliseconds s.ElapsedMilliseconds..
Update multiple tables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16581123/update-multiple-tables them in textboxes my select query is SELECT p.p_Id p.FirstName p.LastName i. SELECT pp.FirstName ' ' pp.LastName FROM Profile.. query is SELECT p.p_Id p.FirstName p.LastName i. SELECT pp.FirstName ' ' pp.LastName FROM Profile pp WHERE pp.p_Id i.childsID AS.. FROM Profile pp WHERE pp.p_Id i.childsID AS child SELECT pp.FirstName ' ' pp.LastName FROM Profile pp WHERE pp.p_Id i.fathersID AS..
Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789504/get-the-property-as-a-string-from-an-expressionfunctmodel-tproperty TModel TProperty and are used as such SortOption.Field p p.FirstName . I've gotten this working perfectly for this simple case. The.. deeply nested cases Requirements Given the expression p p.FirstName I need a string of FirstName . Given the expression p p.Address.State.Abbreviation.. Usage Expression Func Person string simpleExp p p.FirstName Expression Func Person string complexExp p p.Address.State.Abbreviation..
Nested Repeaters in ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3571363/nested-repeaters-in-asp-net Family fam foreach Person p in fam.Members yield return p.FirstName p.Surname protected IEnumerable string GetNames object famObj..
How to declare one to one relationship using Entity Framework 4 Code First (POCO) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3622572/how-to-declare-one-to-one-relationship-using-entity-framework-4-code-first-poco public ProfileMapping this.HasKey p p.Id this.Property p p.FirstName .HasMaxLength 32 this.Property p p.LastName .HasMaxLength 32..
IoC, Dll References, and Assembly Scanning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/809051/ioc-dll-references-and-assembly-scanning
Validate assemblies and namespaces in VAB config file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8900510/validate-assemblies-and-namespaces-in-vab-config-file 18 MessageTemplate This is an adult system .ForProperty p p.FirstName .AddValidator new NotNullValidator .AddValidator new StringLengthValidatorData.. Person .ForRuleset AlternativeRuleset .ForProperty p p.FirstName .AddValidator new NotNullValidator .AddValidator new StringLengthValidatorData..