c# Programming Glossary: pagesize
Web API OData Inlinecount not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15422831/web-api-odata-inlinecount-not-working ValuesController ApiController GET api values Queryable PageSize 1 public IQueryable string Get return new string value1 value2..
Invalid cross-thread access issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924408/invalid-cross-thread-access-issue private void LoadImagesProcess int skipRecords PageIndex PageSize int returnRecords if skipRecords 0 returnRecords 3 PageSize.. int returnRecords if skipRecords 0 returnRecords 3 PageSize page before cur page and next page else returnRecords 2 PageSize.. page before cur page and next page else returnRecords 2 PageSize cur page and next page var persons this.persons.Skip skipRecords..
c# Active Directory Services findAll() returns only 1000 entries [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3488394/c-sharp-active-directory-services-findall-returns-only-1000-entries limited to 1000 entries. It's possible that specifying a PageSize will let you fetch a certain number at a time with a total greater..
Count total rows of gridview with pagination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5788329/count-total-rows-of-gridview-with-pagination appForVacGrid_PageIndexChanging GridLines None PageSize 3 RowStyle BackColor #EFF3FB Columns asp TemplateField..
How do I do Print Preview when using a DocumentPaginator to print? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/584551/how-do-i-do-print-preview-when-using-a-documentpaginator-to-print pageNumber 1 PageCount currentRow rowsToPrint Width PageSize.Width Height PageSize.Height page.Measure PageSize page.Arrange.. currentRow rowsToPrint Width PageSize.Width Height PageSize.Height page.Measure PageSize page.Arrange new Rect new Point.. PageSize.Width Height PageSize.Height page.Measure PageSize page.Arrange new Rect new Point 0 0 PageSize return new DocumentPage..
How to find control in TemplateField of GridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873973/how-to-find-control-in-templatefield-of-gridview True AutoGenerateColumns False DataKeyNames ID# B H PageSize 20 CellPadding 4 ForeColor #333333 GridLines Both OnRowDataBound..
Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879529/using-a-partial-class-property-inside-linq-statement c .OrderBy c c.Balance .ToPagedList page 1 PageSize var invoices from i in _repository.Invoices.AsExpandable where.. i .OrderBy i i.Total .ToPagedList page 1 PageSize Very cool. There is a catch LinqKit does not support the invocation.. c .OrderBy c c.Balance .ToPagedList page 1 PageSize which I thought was kind of silly. So I modified LinqKit to..
Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher in Asp.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90652/can-i-get-more-than-1000-records-from-a-directorysearcher-in-asp-net improve this question You need to set DirectorySearcher.PageSize to a non zero value to get all results. BTW you should also.. DirectorySearcher dirEnt objectClass Group loadProps srch.PageSize 1000 var results srch.FindAll The API documentation isn't very.. smaller value if preferred. The tradeoff is using a small PageSize will return each page of results faster but will require more..
PrintPage PrintPageEventHandler Is Printing Too Many Copies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10287558/printpage-printpageeventhandler-is-printing-too-many-copies throw new Exception Run Away Printer float scale SizeF pageSize new SizeF PrintPreview.Document.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width.. float printableHeight pageSize.Height m.Top m.Bottom float printableWidth pageSize.Width m.Left.. pageSize.Height m.Top m.Bottom float printableWidth pageSize.Width m.Left m.Right if printableWidth printableHeight if labelSize.Width..
How to do paging with simpledb? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1795245/how-to-do-paging-with-simpledb page size as the LIMIT So in pseudo code int targetPage pageSize ... int jumpLimit pageSize targetPage 1 String query SELECT.. in pseudo code int targetPage pageSize ... int jumpLimit pageSize targetPage 1 String query SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE userid '000022656'.. query count jumpLimit Result data sdb.select query output pageSize temp.getToken Where 1 and 2 are String substitutions and sdb.select..
How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/446196/how-do-i-do-pagination-in-asp-net-mvc i.e. ActionResult Search string query int startIndex int pageSize ... defaulted in the routes setup so that startIndex is 0 and.. defaulted in the routes setup so that startIndex is 0 and pageSize is say 20 routes.MapRoute Search Search query startIndex new.. new controller Home action Search startIndex 0 pageSize 20 To split the feed you can use LINQ quite easily var page..
how to pass html as a string using wkhtmltopdf? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651373/how-to-pass-html-as-a-string-using-wkhtmltopdf string commandLocation StreamReader html Stream pdf Size pageSize Process p StreamWriter stdin ProcessStartInfo psi new ProcessStartInfo.. not run scripts psi.Arguments q n disable smart shrinking pageSize.IsEmpty page width pageSize.Width mm page height pageSize.Height.. q n disable smart shrinking pageSize.IsEmpty page width pageSize.Width mm page height pageSize.Height mm p Process.Start psi..
How do I do Print Preview when using a DocumentPaginator to print? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/584551/how-do-i-do-print-preview-when-using-a-documentpaginator-to-print DocumentPaginator private int rows private Size pageSize private int rowsPerPage public RowPaginator int rows this.rows.. public override Size PageSize get return this.pageSize set this.pageSize value this.rowsPerPage PageElementRenderer.RowsPerPage.. override Size PageSize get return this.pageSize set this.pageSize value this.rowsPerPage PageElementRenderer.RowsPerPage this.pageSize.Height..
Which types should my Entity Framework repository and service layer methods return: List, IEnumerable, IQueryable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416506/which-types-should-my-entity-framework-repository-and-service-layer-methods-retu public IEnumerable Post GetPageOfPosts int pageNumber int pageSize Repository postRepo new Repository var posts from p in postRepo.GetPosts.. p.PostDate descending select p .Skip pageNumber 1 pageSize .Take pageSize return posts This means in my codebehind I have.. descending select p .Skip pageNumber 1 pageSize .Take pageSize return posts This means in my codebehind I have to do a ToList..
Paginated search results with LINQ to SQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/793718/paginated-search-results-with-linq-to-sql string description int pageIndex int pageSize return from item in _dc.Items where item.Description. Contains.. item.Description. Contains description . Skip pageIndex 1 pageSize . Take pageSize UPDATE To get the total count simply use the.. Contains description . Skip pageIndex 1 pageSize . Take pageSize UPDATE To get the total count simply use the Count method int..