c# Programming Glossary: p2.x
How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768834/how-to-zip-one-ienumerable-with-itself GreensTheorem Point p1 Point p1 return p1.X p2.Y p1.Y p2.X public static double SignedArea this IEnumerable Point points.. public double Distance Position p1 Position p2 double dx p2.X p1.X double dy p2.Y p1.Y return Math.Sqrt dx dx dy dy public.. Position pts return pts.Pairwise p1 p2 p1.X p2.Y p1.Y p2.X .Sum 2.0 public static double Area IEnumerable Position pts..
How to know if a line intersects a plane in C#? - Basic 2D geometry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30080/how-to-know-if-a-line-intersects-a-plane-in-c-basic-2d-geometry get return p1.X set p1.X value public float X2 get return p2.X set p2.X value public float Y1 get return p1.Y set p1.Y value.. p1.X set p1.X value public float X2 get return p2.X set p2.X value public float Y1 get return p1.Y set p1.Y value public.. if point.Y Math.Max p1.Y p2.Y if point.X Math.Max p1.X p2.X if p1.Y p2.Y double xinters point.Y p1.Y p2.X p1.X p2.Y..