

c# Programming Glossary: mysql

Writing driver class generic for any database support


past few days I was working with various database such as MySQL oracle Ibmdb2 etc which connect with dot net through odbc providers... connect with dot net through odbc providers. For example 1 MySQL Driver MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver server uid database port pwd 2.. dot net through odbc providers. For example 1 MySQL Driver MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver server uid database port pwd 2 oracle Driver..

How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database?


is the gist if not all you might need but if any issues w MySQL etc. probably some more leg work here. Note Still seeding doesn't..

How to share sessions between PHP and ASP.net application?


there is a usermanagement involved with an existing MySQL database. e.g. link 'A' directs to the PHP website and link.. you how I ended up doing it. Both applications access a MySQL database and access a session table which consists of a Guid..

Sortable JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL (DbLinq) and Dynamic LINQ - Orderby doesn't work


JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL DbLinq and Dynamic LINQ Orderby doesn't work I've got problem.. Any idea what could be wrong I'm using LINQ to SQL with MySQL DbLinq project . My action code public ActionResult All string..

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using .NET


I want to start the DOS command shell switch to the MySQL command shell and execute a command. Here's how I am calling.. false ExecuteCommand @ . Environment.CurrentDirectory @ MySQL CaseManager.sql 100 true private void ExecuteCommand string..

Entity Framework Timeouts


has the EDMX file as suggested here Entity Framework with MySQL Timeout Expired while Generating Model This is what my connection..

Parameterized Query for MySQL with C#


Query for MySQL with C# I have the code below I've included what I believe..

MySQL Entity Framework Error - The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid


Entity Framework Error The specified store provider cannot be.. written an assembly in C# to perform all data access for a MySQL database. I have successfully used the assembly a compiled dll.. application. But it only works on PCs that have had the MySQL Connector Net 6.4.4 installed. I tried to use the same assembly..

How to have silverlight get its data from MySQL


use a database to power a silverlight application c# .net mysql silverlight data binding share improve this question The..

Authentication with old password no longer supported, use 4.1 style passwords


I have my website with hostgator and I want to access mysql database with C# windows application but when I tried to connect.. to use 4.1 style password. and i am able to connect with mysql mysql u username p password h hostname but when i tried to connect.. 4.1 style password. and i am able to connect with mysql mysql u username p password h hostname but when i tried to connect..

How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database?


to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database I have been learning how to use EF for a week or so.. GumpDatabase new GumpDatabaseInitializer c# mysql migration entity framework 4.3 initializer share improve this..

Remove 0s from the end of a decimal value


Convert DateTime for MySQL using C#


dd mm hh yy method Can anyone tell me about them c# .net mysql datetime datetime conversion share improve this question ..

Sortable JqGrid using LINQ to MySQL (DbLinq) and Dynamic LINQ - Orderby doesn't work


c# jqgrid dynamic linq dblinq linq to mysql share improve this question Try with the following public..

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using .NET


Also how do I handle the 's in the command ExecuteCommand mysql user root password sa casemanager 100 false ExecuteCommand @.. p.StandardInput if sw.BaseStream.CanWrite sw.WriteLine mysql u root p sw.WriteLine mypassword sw.WriteLine use mydb ..

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression


into a store expression I'm migrating some stuff from one mysql server to a sql server but i can't figure out how to make this.. into a store expression. Anyone know why this happens c# mysql sql linq share improve this question Just save the string..

Configuration System Failed to Initialize


is this and how could I solve this Please help. c# mysql visual studio 2010 visual studio login share improve this..

Parameterized Query for MySQL with C#


on adding the first parameter. What have I done wrong c# mysql share improve this question Try this instead private String..

MySQL Entity Framework Error - The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid


providerString End of inner exception stack trace c# mysql entity framework share improve this question But it only..

MySQL C# Text Encoding Problems


could I get the data from this database in proper form c# mysql unicode utf 8 share improve this question There are two..

Is it possible to use a MySql User Defined Variable in a .NET MySqlCommand?


Or possible ways for me to get a line number c# .net mysql share improve this question I found this blog which tells..

How can I use Entity Framework on an object graph past a depth of 2 with MySQL Connector / NET?


reproducable with SQL Server raises the question if the MySql provider you are using has a bug in that is creates incorrect.. as in this question where the problem occured with a MySql provider as well and couldn't be reproduced with SqlClient SQL..

Authentication with old password no longer supported, use 4.1 style passwords


net 6.6.5. I successfully connect my database with MySql workbench 5.2.47. Can anyone help me what I can do more I have.. txtUser.Text txtPassword.Text txtDatabase.Text conn new MySqlConnection connStr try conn.Open MessageBox.Show Test Connection.. MessageBox.Show Test Connection Succeded catch MySqlException ex MessageBox.Show ex.Message I can't understand..

C# MySqlParameter problem


MySqlParameter problem int faultsGroup is 0 or 1 but i always get.. cannot be null Does anyone tell me why Syntax looks ok. MySqlCommand cmdAdd new MySqlCommand INSERT INTO Faults FaultGroup.. tell me why Syntax looks ok. MySqlCommand cmdAdd new MySqlCommand INSERT INTO Faults FaultGroup Text Date IP VALUES @FaultGroup..

MySql and inserting last ID problem remains


and inserting last ID problem remains Ok after much reading..

Using MySQLConnection in C# does not close properly


Parameter Pooling false or the static methods MySqlConnection.ClearPool connection and MySqlConnection.ClearAllPools.. static methods MySqlConnection.ClearPool connection and MySqlConnection.ClearAllPools the problem can be avoided. Note that.. my problem I'm new to C# and try to write a class to make MySql Connections easier. My problem is after I open a connection..

Mysql Haversine Procedure (radius)using a center point


Procedure radius using a center point I'm fairly new to MySql and what I want is to create a procedure where i can just plug..

Converting blob back to original file type and making it available for download


service built using c# which extracts a blob data from a MySql database and passes it on to the client application. This blob..

Is it possible to use a MySql User Defined Variable in a .NET MySqlCommand?


it possible to use a MySql User Defined Variable in a .NET MySqlCommand I'm trying to.. it possible to use a MySql User Defined Variable in a .NET MySqlCommand I'm trying to execute a query that currently works in.. it does not working when executing it in .NET using the MySqlAdapter. This is the Sql statement. SELECT @rownum @rownum 1..

Authentication with old password no longer supported, use 4.1 style passwords


h hostname but when i tried to connect with C# with mySQL connecter net 6.6.5 i again got this error. I am using Visual..

Passing parameters from silverlight to ASP.net


I could implement a leaderboard so I created a database in mySQL to store all the high scores along with names and dates. I have..

C# mySQL There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first


mySQL There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection.. THIS LINE THROWS C# mySQL There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection..

MySql and inserting last ID problem remains


mysql share improve this question Clarification the mySQL .net ODBC driver doesn't allow multiple commands to be run like..