c# Programming Glossary: myothervar
Why assigning null in ternary operator fails: no implicit conversion between null and int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4290203/why-assigning-null-in-ternary-operator-fails-no-implicit-conversion-between-nul conversion between 'null' and 'int' long myVar Int64.Parse myOtherVar 0 null Int64.Parse myOtherVar However this succeeds if Int64.Parse.. 'int' long myVar Int64.Parse myOtherVar 0 null Int64.Parse myOtherVar However this succeeds if Int64.Parse myOtherVar 0 myVar null.. myOtherVar However this succeeds if Int64.Parse myOtherVar 0 myVar null else myVar Int64.Parse myOtherVar Is there a way..