c# Programming Glossary: mytype
Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1124753/performance-difference-for-control-structures-for-and-foreach-in-c-sharp list.Count counter list counter .DoSomething 2. foreach MyType current in list current.DoSomething c# performance for loop..
XmlSerializer giving FileNotFoundException at constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127431/xmlserializer-giving-filenotfoundexception-at-constructor like XmlSerializer lizer new XmlSerializer typeof MyType produces System.IO.FileNotFoundException occurred Message Could.. Could not load file or assembly ' Containing Assembly of MyType .XmlSerializers Version Culture neutral PublicKeyToken.. specified. Source mscorlib FileName Containing Assembly of MyType .XmlSerializers Version Culture neutral PublicKeyToken..
C# How to find if an event is hooked up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129517/c-sharp-how-to-find-if-an-event-is-hooked-up is an example demonstrating the latter technique. class MyType internal EventHandler int _delegate public event EventHandler..
Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2107845/generics-in-c-using-type-of-a-variable-as-parameter a using directive or an assembly reference DoesEntityExist MyType entityGuid transaction works perfectly but I do not want to..
Why can't the C# constructor infer type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3570167/why-cant-the-c-sharp-constructor-infer-type the way it is for generic methods public class MyType T private readonly T field public MyType T value field value.. public class MyType T private readonly T field public MyType T value field value var obj new MyType 42 why can't type inference.. T field public MyType T value field value var obj new MyType 42 why can't type inference work out that I want a MyType int..
Compare two List<T> objects for equality, ignoring order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3669970/compare-two-listt-objects-for-equality-ignoring-order ignoring order Yet another list comparing question. List MyType list1 List MyType list2 I need to check that they both have.. another list comparing question. List MyType list1 List MyType list2 I need to check that they both have the same elements.. regardless of their position within the list. Each MyType object may appear multiple times on a list. Is there a built..
C# switch on type [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4478464/c-sharp-switch-on-type Type1 ... typeof Type2 ... typeof Type3 ... @switch typeof MyType It's a little less flexable as you can't fall through cases..
Can I load a .NET assembly at runtime and instantiate a type knowing only the name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/465488/can-i-load-a-net-assembly-at-runtime-and-instantiate-a-type-knowing-only-the-na Assembly.LoadFrom MyNice.dll Type type assembly.GetType MyType object instanceOfMyType Activator.CreateInstance type Update.. Type type assembly.GetType MyType object instanceOfMyType Activator.CreateInstance type Update When you have the assembly..
How can I return an anonymous type from a method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55101/how-can-i-return-an-anonymous-type-from-a-method
Memory Leak in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620733/memory-leak-in-c-sharp that will prevent object2 from being garbage collected. MyType object2 new MyType ... object1.SomeEvent object2.myEventHandler.. object2 from being garbage collected. MyType object2 new MyType ... object1.SomeEvent object2.myEventHandler ... Should call..
How to reload an assembly for a .NET Application Domain? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1024072/how-to-reload-an-assembly-for-a-net-application-domain string assemblyName mycli string DomainName subdomain Type myType Object myObject Load Application domain Assembly subDomain AppDomain.CreateDomain.. null AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory false myType myAssembly.GetType assemblyName .mycli myObject myAssembly.CreateInstance.. Invoke Assembly object Params new object 1 Params 0 value myType.InvokeMember myMethod BindingFlags.InvokeMethod null myObject..
How to use reflection to call generic Method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232535/how-to-use-reflection-to-call-generic-method way to invoke GenericMethod using the type stored in the myType variable public class Sample public void Example string typeName.. class Sample public void Example string typeName Type myType FindType typeName what goes here to call GenericMethod T GenericMethod.. what goes here to call GenericMethod T GenericMethod myType This doesn't work what changes to call StaticMethod T Sample.StaticMethod..
Default value of a type at Runtime [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2490244/default-value-of-a-type-at-runtime obj default Decimal but I have an instance of Type called myType and if I say this object obj default myType it doesn't work.. of Type called myType and if I say this object obj default myType it doesn't work Is there any good way of doing this I know that.. only two possibilities null for reference types and new myType for value types which corresponds to 0 for int float etc So..
Pass An Instantiated System.Type as a Type Parameter for a Generic Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/266115/pass-an-instantiated-system-type-as-a-type-parameter-for-a-generic-class possible string typeName read type name from somwhere Type myType Type.GetType typeName MyGenericClass myType myGenericClass new.. somwhere Type myType Type.GetType typeName MyGenericClass myType myGenericClass new MyGenericClass myType Obviously MyGenericClass.. MyGenericClass myType myGenericClass new MyGenericClass myType Obviously MyGenericClass is described as public class MyGenericClass..
Dynamically create a class in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3862226/dynamically-create-a-class-in-c-sharp MyTypeBuilder public static void CreateNewObject var myType CompileResultType var myObject Activator.CreateInstance myType.. CompileResultType var myObject Activator.CreateInstance myType public static Type CompileResultType TypeBuilder tb GetTypeBuilder..
c# Visual Studio …adding references programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4410258/c-sharp-visual-studio-adding-references-programmatically tested it get the environment EnvDTE80.DTE2 pEnv null Type myType Type.GetTypeFromProgID VisualStudio.DTE.8.0 pEnv EnvDTE80.DTE2.. pEnv EnvDTE80.DTE2 Activator.CreateInstance myType true get the solution. Solution2 pSolution Solution2 pEnv.VS.Solution..
Get all inherited classes of an abstract class [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5411694/get-all-inherited-classes-of-an-abstract-class type in Assembly.GetAssembly typeof T .GetTypes .Where myType myType.IsClass myType.IsAbstract myType.IsSubclassOf typeof.. in Assembly.GetAssembly typeof T .GetTypes .Where myType myType.IsClass myType.IsAbstract myType.IsSubclassOf typeof T objects.Add.. typeof T .GetTypes .Where myType myType.IsClass myType.IsAbstract myType.IsSubclassOf typeof T objects.Add T Activator.CreateInstance..
Using AppDomain in C# to dynamically load and unload dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6578170/using-appdomain-in-c-sharp-to-dynamically-load-and-unload-dll Assembly a Assembly.Load example Get the type to use. Type myType a.GetType Example Get the method to call. MethodInfo myMethod.. Example Get the method to call. MethodInfo myMethod myType.GetMethod MethodA Create an instance. object obj Activator.CreateInstance.. Create an instance. object obj Activator.CreateInstance myType Execute the method. myMethod.Invoke obj null As for how to unload..