

c# Programming Glossary: myproperty

XML Serialization and Inherited Types


set _list value private AbstractType _prop XmlElement MyProperty Type typeof AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType public AbstractType.. AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType public AbstractType MyProperty get return _prop set _prop value public ClassWithAbstractCollection..

Localization of DisplayNameAttribute


resources such as class Foo DisplayAttribute Resources.MyPropertyNameLocalized do not compile string MyProperty get set I had.. Resources.MyPropertyNameLocalized do not compile string MyProperty get set I had a look around and found some suggestion to inherit.. up up with code like class Foo MyLocalizedDisplayAttribute MyPropertyNameLocalized not strongly typed string MyProperty get set However..

How to get the PropertyInfo of a specific property?


PropertyInfo p in typeof MyObject .GetProperties if p.Name MyProperty return p But there must be a way to do something similar to.. But there must be a way to do something similar to typeof MyProperty as PropertyInfo Is there Or am I stuck doing a type unsafe string..

C# thread safety with get/set


Object mLock new Object MyObject property public MyObject MyProperty get return property set property value I want a polling thread.. Object mLock new Object MyObject property public MyObject MyProperty get lock mLock return property set lock mLock property value.. value By 'properly' what I mean is if I want to call MyProperty.Field1 2 or whatever will the field be locked while I do the..

What's the difference between an object initializer and a constructor?


MyObject myObjectInstance new MyObject param1 param2 MyProperty someUsefulValue This will behave exactly the same as if you.. new MyObject param1 param2 myObjectInstance.MyProperty someUsefulValue However object initializers are simpler to read..

Notify ObservableCollection when Item changes


DataGrid.Columns DataGridCheckBoxColumn Binding Binding MyProperty Mode TwoWay UpdateSourceTrigger PropertyChanged DataGrid.Columns.. new TrulyObservableCollection MyType new MyType MyProperty false new MyType MyProperty true new MyType MyProperty false.. MyType new MyType MyProperty false new MyType MyProperty true new MyType MyProperty false public class MyType ViewModelBase..

How do you get a C# property name as a string with reflection? [duplicate]


to do something like public int MyProperty get return myProperty set myProperty value RaisePropertyChanged MyProperty In order.. like public int MyProperty get return myProperty set myProperty value RaisePropertyChanged MyProperty In order to map your..

C# using the question mark after a type, for example: int? myVariable; what is this used for?


of this use of the operator for example. public int myProperty get set c# .net asp.net share improve this question It..

Get string name of property using reflection


array returned to me from the class.GetType .GetProperty myProperty so that I can get the PropertyInfo.Name from it c# reflection..

Factory pattern in C#: How to ensure an object instance can only be created by a factory class?


string MyProperty get private set public MyBoClass string myProperty MyProperty myProperty public MyBusinessLogicClass public MyBusinessObjectClass.. private set public MyBoClass string myProperty MyProperty myProperty public MyBusinessLogicClass public MyBusinessObjectClass CreateBusinessObject.. public MyBusinessObjectClass CreateBusinessObject string myProperty Perform some check on myProperty if true check is okay return..

Adding custom attributes to an element in XAML?


custom attributes since it is effectively xml such as span myProperty myValue span Then you can read that property via javascript...

Notify ObservableCollection when Item changes


false public class MyType ViewModelBase private bool myProperty public bool MyProperty get return myProperty set myProperty.. private bool myProperty public bool MyProperty get return myProperty set myProperty value RaisePropertyChangedEvent MyProperty .. public bool MyProperty get return myProperty set myProperty value RaisePropertyChangedEvent MyProperty public class ViewModelBase..