c# Programming Glossary: myns
which xpath expression will allow me to select these nodes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14370989/which-xpath-expression-will-allow-me-to-select-these-nodes m new XmlNamespaceManager doc.NameTable m.AddNamespace myns url1 XmlNodeList l doc.SelectNodes myns a myns b myns c m You.. m.AddNamespace myns url1 XmlNodeList l doc.SelectNodes myns a myns b myns c m You can replace the prefix myns with essentially.. myns url1 XmlNodeList l doc.SelectNodes myns a myns b myns c m You can replace the prefix myns with essentially..
Integrating Facebook chat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7221622/integrating-facebook-chat chat.facebook.com 5222 NetworkStream myns FacebookClient.GetStream string xml xml version '1.0' stream.. streams' version '1.0' StreamWriter mySw new StreamWriter myns mySw.WriteLine xml sending initial request mySw.Flush byte serverResponseByte.. see the supported authentication methods do myBytesRead myns.Read serverResponseByte 0 serverResponseByte.Length myResponseAsSB.Append..