c# Programming Glossary: mysite
Programatically create a web site in IIS using C# and set port number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286831/programatically-create-a-web-site-in-iis-using-c-sharp-and-set-port-number new ServerManager iisManager.Sites.Add NewSite http 8080 d MySite iisManager.Update If you're using IIS 6 and want to do this..
Using ServerManager to create Application within Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4518186/using-servermanager-to-create-application-within-application For the sake of these examples we'll assume a site called MySite where the content is located on the local hard disk at d mysite.. the site resides in its own application pool also called MySite . We'll also assume the following folder structure for the site.. the site node for our site we see the following site name MySite id 3 application path applicationPool MySite virtualDirectory..
How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26857/how-do-you-programmatically-fill-in-a-form-and-post-a-web-page something like this WebRequest req WebRequest.Create http mysite myform.aspx string postData item1 11111 item2 22222 Item3 33333..
Using ServerManager to create Application within Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4518186/using-servermanager-to-create-application-within-application where the content is located on the local hard disk at d mysite www . The site's IIS number is 3 and the site resides in its.. MySite virtualDirectory path physicalPath d mysite www application site Each site contains a collection of application.. Application app site.Applications.Add app_1 sub_app_1 @ d mysite www app_1 sub_app_1 app.ApplicationPoolName MySite The resultant..
Access to the path is denied http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4877741/access-to-the-path-is-denied get this exception Access to the path 'C inetpub wwwroot mysite images savehere' is denied.The error occured at mscorlib because..