c# Programming Glossary: myservice.svc
ASP.NET MVC 2 Issue - Dot in Route http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5732507/asp-net-mvc-2-issue-dot-in-route a route to match the following URL http localhost services MyService.svc UserInfo I created the route in Global.asax.cs routes.MapRoute.. Global.asax.cs routes.MapRoute MyServiceDefault services MyService.svc action id new controller MyService action UserInfo id UrlParameter.Optional.. even making it to my application because of the . in the MyService.svc part of the URL. What am I missing to force the request to pass..
Dynamic endpoints in ServiceReferences.ClientConfig http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7360533/dynamic-endpoints-in-servicereferences-clientconfig change endpoint name MyService address http testserv MyService.svc binding basicHttpBinding bindingConfiguration MybasicHttpBinding.. endpoint name MyService address http prodserv MyService.svc binding basicHttpBinding bindingConfiguration MybasicHttpBinding..
Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/784606/large-wcf-web-service-request-failing-with-400-http-bad-request bindings client endpoint address http serviceserver MyService.svc binding wsHttpBinding bindingConfiguration WSHttpBinding_IMyService..
How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/966323/how-to-programmatically-modify-wcf-app-config-endpoint-address-setting at runtime For reference endpoint address http mydomain MyService.svc binding wsHttpBinding bindingConfiguration WSHttpBinding_IASRService..